Events - Page 3

Time and place: , Biblioteket Campus Fredrikstad

Frode Ramstad Johansen presents his PhD thesis The creation of a cluster project – innovation processes in the formation of a cluster project discussing the ambiguities identified part of his research.

Time and place: , S-404

IRG’s mission focuses on better understanding innovation as it unfolds in organizations and networks of organizations. Additionally, it disseminates these findings, as well as trains future generations of innovators and engineers to become independent scientists in the field of innovation studies.

Time and place: , Aalborg University

Frode Ramstad Johansen will present and defend his thesis The creation of a cluster project – innovation processes in the formation of a cluster project.


IRG’s mission focuses on better understanding innovation as it unfolds in organizations and networks of organizations. Additionally, it disseminates these findings, as well as trains future generations of innovators and engineers to become independent scientists in the field of innovation studies.


The Innovation Research Group (IRG) was established in 2014 to conduct and disseminate high-quality research in innovation, design, STEM and general studies including innovation processes, design thinking and early phase innovation

Time and place: , Glasshuset

IRG’s mission focuses on better understanding innovation as it unfolds in organizations and networks of organizations. Additionally, it disseminates these findings, as well as trains future generations of innovators and engineers to become independent scientists in the field of innovation studies.

Time and place: , Beelab Østfold University College

The Beelab/Beecube is part of the Research infrastructure at IRG. It is an operative arena for collaboration on business model development and a meeting place for research, higher education and triple-helix initiatives with a special focus on start-ups og SMEs. See:  

Time and place: , The entrepreneurial makerspace

The Redesign workshop is a joint project between researchers, students, pupils and industry supported by You enterprise Østfold and the Greenhouse incubator.

The workshop is run by researchers from IRG and will use research infrastructure including The entrepreneurial makerspace on campus.

Time and place: , Fredrikstad living lab for tourism and innovation

The IRG Symposium 2018 is supported by Fredrikstad Living Lab for Tourism and Innovation (FLLTI). The symposium theme is Coworking. It takes on the challenges of mobilizing people, organizations, networks and technologies to solve problems, continuous improve and deliver innovation. It is challenging industrialists and researchers alike and is actualized in Regional innovation, the Learning Organization, Lean Operations, Design Thinking and other high involvement approaches. It requires new ways of doing business, innovative strategies and new approaches to research.

Time and place: , Fredrikstad living lab for tourism and innovation

IRG’s mission focuses on better understanding innovation as it unfolds in organizations and networks of organizations. Additionally, it disseminates these findings, as well as trains future generations of innovators and engineers to become independent scientists in the field of innovation studies.

Time and place: , Fredrikstad living lab for tourism and innovation

The Innovation Research Group (IRG) was established in 2014 to conduct and disseminate high-quality research in innovation, design, STEM and general studies including innovation processes, design thinking and early phase innovation.

Time and place: , Rømskog spa & resort

The Innovation Research Group (IRG) was established in 2014 to conduct and disseminate high-quality research in innovation, design, STEM and general studies including innovation processes, design thinking and early phase innovation.

Time and place: , Østfold university college

IRG’s mission focuses on better understanding innovation as it unfolds in organizations and networks of organizations. Additionally, it disseminates these findings, as well as trains future generations of innovators and engineers to become independent scientists in the field of innovation studies.

Time and place: , Østfold University College

The Innovation Research Group (IRG) Symposium 2017 on High Involvement Innovation was held on campus and in industry 31 January to 1 February 2017 at Østfold University College, Fredrikstad, Norway.