Understanding Differences in Learning Outcomes between the U.S. and Norwegian Educational Systems

Presenting a new Uniped paper at the Frontiers In Education 2019 conference in Cincinatti.

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Our Work in Progress paper entitled "Understanding Differences in Learning Outcomes between the U.S. and Norwegian Educational Systems" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the FIE 2019 conference in Cincinatti, USA. The paper is a scientific contribution based on research from Awat Safaris master thesis, presented last month here at the University College.

Authors are Dr Stuart Kellog and MSc Awat Safari from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology together with Dr Gunnar Andersson at Østfold University College.

By Frode Ramstad Johansen
Published July 2, 2019 11:19 PM - Last modified July 5, 2023 1:39 AM