Graduation ceremony for students in IT, economics and BIK - 2022

This day will be a solemn celebration for graduating students in IT, economics and international communication.

Collage of 4 pictures from previous graduation ceremonies


Sign up here

Registration deadline is May 20, 2022.

Bring a guest?

If there are vacancies left after the registration deadline has expired, they will be posted here on the event page on 23 May at 09.00. Then it is first come, first served about these places.

The ceremony is for graduating students at:

  • Bachelor's program in engineering - data
  • Bachelor's program in computer science
  • Bachelor's program in digital media and design
  • Bachelor's program in information systems
  • Bachelor's program in international communication
  • Master in Applied Computer Science
  • Bachelor's program in economics and administration
  • Bachelor's program in accounting

If you have not passed the education, you can still sign up for the ceremony.


12.30 The doors open
13.00 Speeches, musical entertainment, presentation of the graduating students with greetings from the dean

No diplomas will be awarded on this day. Diplomas are published in the Diploma Registry.

Do you have questions?

Questions can be directed to or


Published May 12, 2022 12:17 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2022 10:34 AM