Program 2024

Welcome to ICAPAI - 16th of April, 2024!

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Oslo Time

Introduction Session

9:00 AM – 9:03 AM

Welcome Jonas Aamodt Moræus (IFE)

9:03 AM – 9:06 AM

A few words from Monica Kristiansen Holone (HiØ) for ICAPAI

9.06 AM – 9.10 AM

Introduction of Conference- Sanjay Misra (IFE)

9:11 AM – 9:15 AM

Speech from Hasan Ogul (HiØ)

9:16 AM – 10:00 AM

Introduction to the keynote: Sanjay Misra (IFE)

Keynote 1: Smart Forests: Innovating Forestry Management with IoT and AI

Robertas Damaševičius (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM

Coffee Break

10:11 AM – 11:45 AM

Session 1 – Chair: Robertas Damaševičius (Kaunas University of Technology)

10:11 AM – 10:25 AM

#21. CA-CR: Context-Aware Congestion Resolution Method for Automated Guided Vehicles. Yigit Can Dundar, Bernt Arild Bremdal, Anne Håkansson and Randi Karlsen.

10:26 AM – 10:40 AM 

#31. A Reinforcement Learning-based Adaptive Digital Twin Model for Forests. Robertas Damasevicius and Rytis Maskeliunas

10:41 AM – 10:55 AM 

#45. Optimising Energy Performance of buildings through Digital Twins and Machine Learning: Lessons learnt and future directions. Sathiya Kumar Renganayagalu, Terje Bodal, Tom-Robert Bryntesen and Petter Kvalvik.

10:56 AM – 11:00 AM

Short Break

11:01 AM – 11:15 AM 

#14. Adversarial Attack on YOLOV5 for Traffic and Road Sign Detection. Sanyam Jain.

11:16 AM – 11:30 AM

#16. DeepSeaNet: Improving Underwater Object Detection using EfficientDet. Sanyam Jain.

11:31 AM – 11:45 AM 

#46. Short-term scheduling for hydroelectric power plants in a deregulated power market by means of a deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm. Bernt Bremdal and Iliana Ilieva.

11:46 AM – 12:25 PM


12:26 PM – 14:30 PM

Session 2 – Chair: Rytis Maskeliunas (Silesian University of Technology, Poland)

12:26 PM – 12:40 PM

#7. The Enigma Unveiled: How A.I. Compromises Free Will in Decision-Making. Varun Sharman.

12:41 PM – 12:55 PM

#30. Alzheimer’s Disease MRI Classification using EfficientNet: A Deep Learning Model. Majed Aborokbah.

12:56 PM – 13:10 PM

#35. Exploring Embryo Development at the Morula Stage: an AI-based Approach to Determine Whether to Use or Discard an Embryo. Akriti Sharma, Faiga Alawad, Radhika Kakulavarapu, Mario Iliceto, Michael Riegler, Mette Stensen and Hugo Hammer.

13:11 PM – 13:25 PM

#39. Unraveling Gender Fairness Analysis in Deep Learning Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease. Solveig K Hammonds, Trygve Eftestøl, Ketil Oppedal and Alvaro Fernandez-Quilez.

13:26 PM – 13:30 PM

Short Break


13:31 PM – 14:30 PM


Session 3 – Chair: Ibrahim A. Hameed (NTNU, Norway)

13:31 PM – 13:45 PM

#22. Unsupervised Learning for Characterizing Type IV Secreted Effectors. Koray Acici and Tunc Asuroglu.

13:46 PM – 14:00 PM

#36. Enhancing Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagnosis with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm and Machine Learning. Ruslan Sorano, Kazi Shah Nawaz Ripon, Lars Vidar Magnusson, Thor-David Halstensen and Waleed Ghanima.

14:01 PM – 14:15 PM

#44. An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Biomarker-Based Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Amira Rachah, Senda Slama, Abeer Badawy and Ibrahim A. Hameed

14:16 PM – 14:30 PM

#48. Uncovering Linguistic Patterns: A Machine Learning Exploration for Early Dementia Detection in Speech Transcripts. Shaima Ahmad Freja, Yeganeh Hallaj, Arezo Shakeri and Mina Farmanbar.

14:31 PM – 14:40 PM

Coffee Break

14:41 PM – 15:25 PM

Introduction to Keynote: Sukalpa Chanda (HiØ)

Keynote 2: Kinematic Modeling of Human Movements: A Unitary Approach

Miguel Ángel Ferrer Ballester (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)

15:26 PM – 15:30 PM

Short Break

15:31 PM – 17:30 PM

Session 4 – Chair: Clara Maathuis (Open University of the Netherlands)

15:31 PM – 15:45 PM

#17. AI safety: A regulatory perspective. Linn Iren Vestly Bergh and Kristian Solheim Teigen.

15:46 PM – 16:00 PM

#19. Generative AI: Threatening Established Human Rights Instruments at Scale. Morgan Briggs and Miranda Cross.

16:01 PM – 16:15 PM

#20. A New AI Literacy For The Algorithmic Age - Prompt Engineering Or Eductional Promptization? Halvdan Haugsbakken and Marianne Hagelia..

16:16 PM – 16:30 PM

#23. Trustworthy Human-Autonomy Teaming for Proportionality Assessment in Military Operations. Clara Maathuis

16:31 PM – 16:35 PM

Short Break

16:36 PM – 16:50 PM

#24. NeuroLimbAI: Enhancing Sensory Feedback in an Origami Inspired Prosthetic Arm with Electroencephalogram-Controlled Noninvasive Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback. Ray Zhao and Oliver Chen.

16:51 PM – 17:05 PM

#9. AlertMind: A Multimodal Approach for Detecting Menace using Transformers. Rahul Mallya, Pratham Deepak Rao, Purvik S Nukal, Rahul Ranganath and V R Badri Prasad.

17:06 PM – 17:20 PM

#18. Deep Learning Based Traffic Accident Detection in Smart Transportation: A Machine Vision-Based Approach. Alvin Alon.

17:21 PM – 17:25 PM

Vote of Thanks: Kai Morgan Kjølerbakken (IFE)

17:21 PM – 17:30 PM

Final Remarks/Closure – Jonas Aamodt Moræus (IFE)


Keynote Robertas Damaševičius

Title: Smart Forests - Innovating Forestry Management with IoT and AI


The keynote provides an overview of the transformative role that digital technologies play in modern forestry management. It focuses on the key elements of forestry's digital transformation, including datafication, connectivity, smartification, automation, servitization, and sustainification, highlighting how these processes contribute to sustainable development goals (SDGs) by enhancing forest health, biodiversity, and productivity while addressing global challenges such as climate change and deforestation. The keynote showcases the application of cutting-edge technologies like Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors, remote sensing, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI) in creating smart forests. These technologies enable real-time monitoring, advanced data analytics, precision forestry, and automated forest machinery, significantly improving decision-making, operational efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, it explores the concept of "Forest as a Service" (FaaS), emphasizing the integration of digital tools for forest ecosystem services management, sustainable harvesting, reforestation, and carbon sequestration. By providing a comprehensive view of smart/digital forest initiatives and use cases, the keynote underscores the potential of digital transformation to revolutionize forestry management, enhance ecosystem services, and contribute to the global fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.


Keynote Miguel A. Ferrer 

Title: Kinematic Modeling of Human Movements: A Unitary Approach


Human kinematics have been modeled using various techniques, depending on the movement being analyzed (e.g., handwriting, speech, gait). However, human motion is generated by a common principle: multiple muscular systems coordinately respond to the potential evoked by motor neurons. Therefore, a unitary procedure capable of analyzing the kinematics of any human movement is conceivable. In this talk, we discuss such a hypothesis and propose a unitary model based on the Lognormality Principle, combined with other neuroscience theories such as the equivalent motor theory proposed by Lashley, the inverse kinematic model suggested by Kawato, and the theoretical existence of the so-called Central Pattern Generators. We present some proof of concept examples in behavioral biometrics, health, and education. Additionally, this model is extended to livestock farming.

Published June 4, 2024 2:59 PM - Last modified June 4, 2024 2:59 PM