“De norske er akkurat som det norske språket”. Hvordan det kan oppleves å komme til Norge fra et annet land med en annen kultur. - En kvalitativ studie av flyktningers opplevelse av flukt, og erfaringer omkring egen integrering.

Av Verica Stevanovic

Background: Refugees' narratives about escape experience, and challenges related to their own integration in the meeting with Norwegian society. 

Purpose and aim: The purpose of the project is to lift the narratives of refugees on the experience of what they have been through and serious events before coming to Norway, and what they still go through in the integration process in Norway. The objective is to find a better explanation and understanding of what they think is the most challenging in integration. 

Issue: How do young African refugees from south of Sahara experience escape, language learning, cultural differences, and challenges related to integration into Norwegian society?

Framework: Earlier theory and research based on the phenomenon of refugees both in Norway and in the world, (globally). 

Method: The phenomenon of refugees in Norwegian social society was investigated using qualitative methodology. Phenomenological approach is used in the task to provide a precise description of the refugees: a) the past and the experience of escape; b) Present understanding and experience of challenges about self-integration; c) Description of refugees' own perspectives in relation to the future in Norway. In addition, the task is illustrated by refugee consultants' perspectives related to this phenomenon. Hermeneutic design aims to understand and interpret data. Data material was obtained by 12 interviewer who have given a deep and thorough description of the phenomenon. A strategic selection of eight refugees was taken, who shared their experiences of escape and serious challenges they have gone through. In addition, a selection of four refugee consultants with long work experience related to refugee issues was taken. To conduct the survey, the informants have been interviewed with the help of open, individual, semistructured interviews thematically organized. Interviews were conducted using a digital dictaphone. Seven out of eight informants have come as asylum seekers to Norway. After receiving a positive response from the UDI, they received the status of refugees. One in eight informants came to Norway as a quota refugee. 

Analysis: Phenomenological and thematic text analysis.

Results: The findings show that most refugees were exposed to violence, offense and stigmatization. In the integration in Norway, refugees experienced challenges related to language learning, cultural differences, socialization and work. Refugees' statements related to these challenges correspond to refugee consultants' information, which considers that refugees' main challenges are language and work. Culture, socialization and adaptation to the Norwegian environment are considered as common challenges. 

Keywords: Asylum seekers, refugees, quota refugees, IMDI, integration, introductory program, salutogenesis, resiliens.

Publisert 27. apr. 2019 14:29 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2019 14:29