Network based research 2018-ongoing: Gode grannar-godt naboskap. Good neighbors-good neighborhoods. On well functioning integration.

Ulf Carmesund & Anna Lydia Svalastog.


Østfold Uni College grant for two conferences 2019 and 2020.

Objectives: Current policy in Norway focuses on integration as a society-wide task. The objective of this project is to gather a broader group of stakeholders (professionals, NGOs and former refugees) with experiences from integration work, with particular attention to advancing knowledge and practice on how to support integration and overcome exclusion.

Outcome: The two conferences organised, combined with a workshop day,; an anthology with Svalastog and Carmesund as eds. is in process, to be published by Scandinavian University Press.  Delayed due to COVID-19, a manuscript is expected during spring of 2024.

Publisert 5. mars 2024 12:13 - Sist endret 5. mars 2024 12:13