2017-ongoing: Rehabilitation and psychosocial gains from methods and programs in Halden Prison

Psychosocial work and programs aiming at health and rehabilitation for prisoners in Norwegian correctional services To critically study and support.

Objectives: psychosocial work and programs aiming at health and rehabilitation for prisoners in Norwegian correctional services To critically study and support.

Outcome:  Several MA thesis focusing on programs (like solitary retreat in prison, shared reading in prison, and the usage of BRIK-evaluation in prison).

Outcome: Conference autumn 2017 on addiction, in collaboration with Halden Prison and Tyrili Foundation - research.

Outcome: the RG PSW has been invited by Halden Prison’s department of method and programs to develop a new research project that involved the whole PSW RG. Planning meetings have been conducted after the COVID-19 lock down, and in prolongation of discussions generated by already conducted or ongoing individual projects.


Publisert 5. mars 2024 11:55 - Sist endret 5. mars 2024 11:55