2017-2021 Espen Marius Foss & Kjersti Lien Holter: Mestring og mening ved Frederik II videregående skole - hvordan kan skolen bli en arena som fremmer god psykisk helse?

Regional action research project

 Research article that investigates what supports and hinders good mental health in high schools, and concludes that individual factors such as leadership, practice of evaluations of students and relational aspects need to be approach together, which brings mental health into the field of pedagogics.   

Regional action research project

Outcome so far: research article that investigates what supports and hinders good mental health in high schools, and concludes that individual factors such as leadership, practice of evaluations of students and relational aspects need to be approach together, which brings mental health into the field of pedagogics.   https://www.idunn.no/doi/10.18261/npt.106.4.6




Publisert 5. mars 2024 11:52 - Sist endret 7. mars 2024 12:31