Navigating Knowledge Landscapes

Srecko Gajovic & Anna Lydia Svalastog (red.)

Utgivelsen er et resultat av samarbeidet i det internasjonale forskningsnettverket Navigating Knowledge Landscapes. Boken ble lanser i forbindelse med konferansen Psychosocial Work in the Digital Society som ble arrangert av forskergruppen Psykososialt Arbeid 10. desember 2018 v/ Høgskolen i Østfold. 


"The new conditions existing in the digital society include the online information overload, complex multi-directed communications, and extreme social potency. In addition, the accumulation and distribution of health-related knowledge, by experts and lay people, are interwoven with economic relations, legal, and administrativ regulations. Therefore it is of key importance for every individual as for our society to better understand how people approach digital health knowledge in order to enhance the benefits and reduce the risks"  (Gajovic & Svalastog, 2018)

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Publisert 18. jan. 2019 12:54 - Sist endret 8. mars 2024 11:46