Norwegian version of this page
Ongoing project

Data science professionals – organisational affiliation, work and cooperation in public organisations

The aim of the project is to help understand digitization processes in the public sector, more specifically the digitization of decision-making processes of leaders in Norwegian municipalities. The project explores how data is used in practice and what consequences occure for managers` and professionals' decision-making.

About the Project

By the year 2060, Norway will go from four to two working-abled individuals to one retiree according to the Solberg government’s perspective report.  This presents at least two challenges: 1) having enough people working, and 2) those with employment having to work more.   In other words, we must in the future generate more output with less input with increasing emphasis on the mantra of efficiency, especially in the welfare profession.

One answer to this challenge is the digitalisation of the public sector in order «to change the basic ways companies solve tasks with help from technology» (Ministry of Local Government and Modernization, 2019).

We wish to find out more on how data in municipalities is utilised in practice and which consequences this has for the leaders of the welfare professions, that the data are analysed on behalf of.

Project duration


Project type

PhD project

Main objectives

The aim of the project is to help understand digitization processes in the public sector, more specifically the digitization of decision-making processes for professionals in first-line leaders in Norwegian municipalities.



Project partners

The project is part of the Ph.D. program in Professional Studies at the Center for Professional Studies, OsloMet. Fredrik Moi Dolve is a member of the research group here Digital Innovation and Strategic Competence in Organizations (DISCO).


Tags: The Digital Society, DDS, DigiWork
Published Jan. 26, 2022 7:57 AM - Last modified Nov. 11, 2022 10:07 AM