Minela Kvakic

Norwegian version of this page Department of Welfare, Management and Organisation
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Associate Professor
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I am an associate professor at Østfold University College and hold a PhD in Social Sciences, Social work and social policy from OsloMet. In my PhD project (2018-2023), I conducted interviews with youth clients, parent clients, child welfare caseworkers and managers in child welfare. Through my PhD project, I have explored these actors` experiences with digitization in child welfare, including the use of digital and social media. In addition to interviews with various actors in child welfare serevices, I have conducted a document study of policy documents related to the digitization project "DigiBarnevern". Thus, my research interest include the structural conditions associated with professionals' digital practices. I have a general interest and curiosity in how digitization and the use of digital tools and social media affect professional practices and frontline workers` relations to service users in public sector.


Academic interests

  • Use of digital and social media in child welfare and social work
  • Digitalization in child welfare services
  • Digitalization, professional discretion and standardization
  • Child welfare work
  • Street-level bureaucracy
  • Professions

Courses taught



PhD. in Social Sciences, social work and social policy, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) (2018-2023): Digitalization in child welfare services: How child welfare professionals` digital and social media practices change their frontline work.

Master`s degree in interprofessional collaboration in health and welfare services, Østfold University College, 2015

Bachelor`s degree in child welfare, Østfold University College 2008



  • Expert member in the "Child Protection and Health Board" (2021-)
  • Child welfare worker (2008-2018)
  • Milieu therapist/social educator (2007-2012)


My research network includes researchers from following institutions:

Oslo Metropolitan University

University of South-Eastern Norway

Agder University

Nord University

Stavanger University

Aalborg University

Norwegian University of Science and Technology -NTNU



Board member, Faculty of Health, Welfare and Organization (2021-2023)

Board member, PROFRES research school board (2020-2022 )

Visiting student researcher, University of California Berkeley (August 2022-January 2023)


Tags: Child welfare, child welfare work, digitalisation, social media use in professional work, street-level bureaucracy, trust, power, The Digital Society, DigiWork, DigiHealth, digitalisation, digitalization


  • Kvakic, Minela; Fineide, Mona Jerndahl & Hansen, Heidi Aarum (2023). If digitalization is the answer–what is the problem? An analysis of policy documents related to the digitalization of Norwegian child welfare services. Nordic Social Work Research. ISSN 2156-857X. doi: 10.1080/2156857X.2023.2277255. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kvakic, Minela & Wærdahl, Randi (2022). Trust and Power in the Space Between Visibility and Invisibility. Exploring Digital and Social Media Practices in Norwegian Child Welfare Services. European Journal of Social Work. ISSN 1369-1457. doi: 10.1080/13691457.2022.2099350. Full text in Research Archive
  • Kvakic, Minela; Fineide, Mona Jerndahl & Hansen, Heidi Aarum (2021). Navigering med ustø kurs: Om bruk av digitale og sosiale medier i barnevernet. Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern. ISSN 0800-1014. 98(3), p. 164–180. doi: 10.18261/ISSN1891-1838-2021-03-02.

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  • Kvakic, Minela & Larsson, Karl Kristian (2024). Caseworkers on the digital streets. Discretion in the digital decision-making process.
  • Kvakic, Minela (2024). Krav til digitalisering setter barnevernsansatte i skvis. [Internet]. forskning.no.
  • Kvakic, Minela (2023). Barnevernet har bedt om hjelp til å løse digitale utfordringer i årevis uten å bli hørt. https://forskning.no/.
  • Kvakic, Minela (2022). Vi må snakke om barnevernets bruk av digitale og sosiale medier. Fontene. ISSN 0805-5432. 22(9), p. 60–61.
  • Løberg, Ida Bring & Kvakic, Minela (2022). Moving “towards” or “too close” to the client? Comparing frontline workers’ use of digital technologies in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration and the Norwegian Child Welfare Services.
  • Kvakic, Minela; Hansen, Heidi Aarum & Fineide, Mona Jerndahl (2022). Digitalisation in the Child Welfare Services: Meeting frontline workers need for autonomy and the State`s need for control.
  • Kvakic, Minela; Fineide, Mona Jerndahl & Hansen, Heidi Aarum (2021). Navigating with unstedy course: -Norwegian Child Welfare Workers Use of Digital and Social Media.
  • Kvakic, Minela (2021). Barnevernet "ser" deg på sosiale medier. [Internet]. Høgskolen i Østfold.
  • Kvakic, Minela (2021). Bruk av digitale og sosiale medier i barnevernet: muligheter og utfordringer.
  • Kvakic, Minela (2019). Digitalisering i barnevernet: forskningsstatus.

View all works in Cristin

Published Nov. 13, 2018 8:54 AM - Last modified May 31, 2024 10:48 PM