Camilla Martha Ihlebæk

Norwegian version of this page Department of Welfare, Management and Organisation
Image of Camilla Martha Ihlebæk
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Academic interests

My research interests have in recent years involved health promoting factors, activities and environments, and social sustainability and public health partnerships. One example is how interacting with robotic pets could be used as a health promoting activity for people with dementia. but I am also involved in a wide range of research relevant for public health such as subjective health complaints, work participation, sick leave, and vocational rehabilitation. One of the interests have been how modern technology could be associated with health worries and subjective health complaints.  



  • 2018-2019: Consultant, WHOs European office for Investment for Health and Development, Venice, Italy
  • 2012-: Professor (20%), Faculty of health, welfare, and organization, Østfold University College, Norway 
  • 2010-: Professor, Department of Public Health Science, Norwegian University of Life sciences, Ås Norway.
  • 2009: Academic Leadership and Organization -12 months Leadership program for researchers (UFF), Uni research (now NORCE), Bergen, Norway.
  • 2008-2010: Associate professor, Department of Public Health Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
  • 2006-2008: Senior Researcher, Uni research (now NORCE), Norway
  • 2002-2006: Researcher, Uni research (now NORCE), Norway
  • 1997-2002: PhD degree, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway
  • 1995-1997: Research assistant, Uni Research (now NORCE), Norway
  • 1995: Pedagogical Degree, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway

  • 1993: Cand Scient., Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen

Current directorships:

  • 2020-: Chairman, Executive board, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
  • 2019 -: Member of Steering Committee, WHO Europe, Regions for Health Network (RHN).
  • 2017 -: Member of Coordination Committee, National program for public health, Østfold County

  • 2012 -: Member of expert council for social inequalities in health. Viken County, Norway.  

Tags: The Digital Society, DigiHealth


  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Katralen, Hilde Therese; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson & Skipstein, Anni (2023). The role of social capital for wellbeing in people with long-term illness and disease. Nordisk tidsskrift for livskvalitet og bærekraftig velferdsutvikling. ISSN 2703-9986. 2(2), p. 53–67. doi: 10.18261/njwel.2.2.5. Full text in Research Archive
  • Løkkeberg, Stine Eileen Torp; Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Brottveit, Gudrun & Del Busso, Lilliana Andrea (2023). Digital Violence and Abuse: A Scoping Review of Adverse Experiences Within Adolescent Intimate Partner Relationships. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. ISSN 1524-8380. 23. doi: 10.1177/15248380231201816.
  • Pettersen, Gry Rustad; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2023). Can shopping centres foster wellbeing? A scoping review of motivations and positive experiences associated with non-shopping visits. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 4:100133, p. 1–8. doi: 10.1016/j.wss.2023.100133.
  • Arka, Trude; Ellingsen-Dalskau, Lina Harvold & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Long-term commitment to voluntary social work – the role of an autonomy-supportive work environment. Voluntary Sector Review. ISSN 2040-8056. 14(3), p. 445–459. doi: 10.1332/204080521X16504447103977.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Planlegging, miljø og folkehelse. In Movik, Synne & Stokke, Knut Bjørn (Ed.), Introduksjon til miljøplanlegging. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215050447. p. 173–186.
  • Lillefjell, Monica; Maass, Ruca Elisa Katrin & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Applying Salutogenesis in Vocational Rehabilitation Settings. In Mittelmark, Maurice B; Bauer, Georg F.*; Vaandrager, Lenneke; Pelikan, Jurgen M.; Sagy, Shifra; Eriksson, Monica; Lindström, Bengt & Meier Magistretti, Claudia (Ed.), The Handbook of Salutogenesis Second Edition. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-3-030-79514-6. p. 441–446. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-79515-3_40.
  • Haugen, Kristin; Ihlebæk, Camilla & Calogiuri, Giovanna (2022). Work-oriented rehabilitation: Back to work after a workplace visits intervention and follow-up at Hernes Institute? Ergoterapeuten. ISSN 0800-3475. 1-2022, p. 42–52. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Rustad, Marianne Hojem (2022). Psychosocial Job Strain and Musculoskeletal Pain in Cabin Crew – Does Gender Matter? The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology. ISSN 2472-1840. 32(1), p. 54–63. doi: 10.1080/24721840.2021.1927733. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Castellan, Camilla; Flobak, Jenny & Ese, Jo (2021). The school as an arena for co-creating participation, equity, and well-being—a photovoice study from norway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). ISSN 1661-7827. 18(16), p. 1–15. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168252. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ellingsen-Dalskau, Lina Harvold; Berget, Bente; Tellnes, Gunnar & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2021). Understanding the relationship between subjective health complaints and satisfaction with life for people in prevocational training in Norway. Nordic Journal of Social Research. ISSN 1892-2783. 12(1), p. 49–71. doi: 10.7577/njsr.3500. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jøranson, Nina; Olsen, Christine; Calogiuri, Giovanna; Ihlebæk, Camilla & Pedersen, Ingeborg (2020). Effects on sleep from group activity with a robotic seal for nursing home residents with dementia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. International Psychogeriatrics. ISSN 1041-6102. doi: 10.1017/S1041610220001787.
  • Brusletto, Birgit; Nielsen, Roy A; Engan, Harald; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Ihlebæk, Camilla & Mjøsund, Nina Helen [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2020). Labor-force participation and working patterns among women and men who have survived cancer: A descriptive 9-year longitudinal cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. 49, p. 188–196. doi: 10.1177/1403494820953330. Full text in Research Archive
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Næss, Petter & Stefansdottir, Harpa (2020). Are compact cities a threat to public health? European Planning Studies. ISSN 0965-4313. 29(6), p. 1021–1049. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2020.1775790.
  • Hjellset, Victoria Telle & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Modern health worries in Pakistani immigrant women in Oslo, Norway. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. ISSN 0147-1767. 75, p. 48–55. doi: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2020.01.003. Full text in Research Archive
  • Brusletto, Birgit; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Mjøsund, Nina Helen & Torp, Steffen (2019). From shaky grounds to solid foundations: a salutogenic perspective on return to work after cancer . Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. ISSN 1103-8128. p. 1–13. doi: 10.1080/11038128.2019.1663922. Full text in Research Archive
  • Olsen, Christine; Pedersen, Ingeborg; Bergland, Astrid; Ender-Slegers, Marie-Jose & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Engagement in elderly persons With dementia attending animal-assisted Group activity. Dementia. ISSN 1471-3012. 18(1), p. 245–261. doi: 10.1177/1471301216667320. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2024). Sosiale forskjeller i hjerte – og karsykdommer, betydningen av psykososiale stressmekanismer.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2024). Folkehelse og livsmestring i skolen - hva med det?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2024). The strenght of partnerships in designing health-promoting policies.
  • Pedersen, Ingeborg; Bokma Mørch, May Linn; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Moe, Ellinor & Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson (2023). Do users and planners agree on what is important for the use of public open spaces? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. 50. doi: 10.1177/14034948231190243.
  • Moe, Ellinor; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson & Pedersen, Ingeborg (2023). Stakeholders' experiences with co-creating public open spaces. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. 50. doi: 10.1177/14034948231190243.
  • Ånestad, Ragnhild; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Frameworks and indicators for social sustainability in cities and neighborhoods.
  • Straumsvåg, Elin Judit & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2023). Folkehelse, sosial berekraft og innovasjon.
  • Ånestad, Ragnhild; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Associations between physical and social aspects of local communities and social sustainability in Viken County, Norway.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Folkehelse og livsmestring i skolen - hva med det?
  • Pedersen, Ingeborg; Moe, Ellinor; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Amundsen, Guro Vollan & Bere, Elling Tufte [Show all 11 contributors for this article] (2023). Samskaping - er det egentlig mulig?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Thybell, Susanne (2023). Uttesting av ny teknologi i Vinje.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Pettersen, Vegard Sinnes (2023). Ja, samskaping er faktisk mulig!
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Åsvold, Jartrud (2023). Kommuner deler sine erfaringer med medvirkning.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla; Pettersen, Vegard Sinnes & Åsvold, Jartrud (2023). Forstår planleggerne de unges behov?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Lorentzen, Ragnhild (2023). Bli kjent med: Anders Lien.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Åsvold, Jartrud (2023). Fire masteroppgaver om «Samskaping av aktive møteplasser».
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Lorentzen, Ragnhild (2023). Reisebrev fra odense.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Lorentzen, Ragnhild (2023). Blir Siggerudkanalen Nordens lille Venezia?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Lorentzen, Ragnhild (2023). Danmark inspirerer – Forskningsprosjektet på tur.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Lorentzen, Ragnhild (2023). Barn og unge i Vinje blir hørt!
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Pettersen, Vegard Sinnes (2023). Barna ved Brevik skole bidrar i ny forskning.
  • Løkkeberg, Stine Eileen Torp; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Brottveit, Gudrun & Del Busso, Lilliana Andrea (2023). Digital vold i intime ungdomsrelasjoner. Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Neudorf, Cory; Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Hoebe, Christian & Dokova, Klara (2023). Comparing and contrasting health outcomes and inequities across small areas using subnational regional demographic characteristics.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Stress som mekanisme for muskel – og skjelettplager.
  • Arntzen, Annett; Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien; Skipstein, Anni & Wenstøb, Bengt Morten Maximilian (2023). Fagrådet om sosial ulikhet i helse i Viken - et eksempel til etterfølgelse?
  • Moe, Ellinor; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson & Pedersen, Ingeborg (2023). Ulike aktørers erfaringer med samskaping av aktive møteplasser.
  • Pettersen, Gry Rustad; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Krohne, Kariann & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2023). Dette er mitt favorittsted! Kjøpesenteret som sosial arena.
  • Pedersen, Ingeborg; Mørch, May Linn Bokma; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Moe, Ellinor & Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson (2023). Er brukere og planleggere enig om hva som har betydning for bruk av møteplasser?
  • Wenstøb, Bengt Morten Maximilian; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Arntzen, Annett; Holte, Kjersti E. Lien & Skipstein, Anni (2023). Fagrådets anbefaling for valget 2023: Velg politikerne som vil utjevne urettferdige forskjeller og som vil gi alle gode liv! Moss Avis.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla; Ånestad, Ragnhild & Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson (2023). Socially sustainable places - How can knowledge from the field of health promotion contribute to better understand the interplay between physical and social factors in the local community?
  • Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti; Espnes, Geir Arild; Ihlebæk, Camilla; Bogsnes Larsen, Torill; Torp, Steffen & Vik, Frøydis Nordgård (2023). Hvorfor satse alt på å reparere? ISSN 1894-8995.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Skolen som arena for å utjevne sosial ulikhet i helse.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Hvordan organiserer vi masteroppgaver? Erfaringer fra Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap, NMBU.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2023). Skolen som nærmiljøarena.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). Vinje i farta mot «Ein morosam omveg».
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). Stort engasjement i Larvik.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). Hils på stipendiatene.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). Folka bak forskningsprosjektet.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). De 3 fokusområdene.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). Bli kjent med de utvalgte kommunene.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2022). Forskningsprosjektet er i gang!
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Bere, Elling Tufte; Schipperijn, Jasper & Pawlowski, Charlotte (2022). Informasjonsfilm: Forskningsprosjektet "Samskaping av aktive møteplasser".
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). The schools as an arena for co-creating participation, equity, and well-being in neighborhoods .
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Skolens rolle for folkehelse og sosial bærekraft.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Er det forskjell på hvordan forskere og praktikere tenker? - Noen betraktninger fra en forskers side.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha & Skog, Kristine Lien (2022). Statsbudsjettet struper bærekraftig planlegging i distriktene. Nationen. ISSN 0805-3782.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Skolen som arena for økt livskvalitet og deltakelse (og sosial bærekraft).
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Celebrating 50 years of Nordic public health research.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Arbeidsdeltakelse og sykefravær.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Folkehelseloven som tverrsektorielt verktøy nå og i fremtiden.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Planlegging, miljø og helse.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Hvordan (og hvorfor) bruke sosial bærekraft som driver for å få til endring gjennom folkehelsearbeidet.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Fysiske og sosiale faktorer, sosial bærekraft og folkehelse: bruk av FHUS data .
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Hvis jeg fikk en milliard folkehelsekroner skulle de gått til Skolen som nærmiljøarena.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2022). Innbyggerne som ressurs - sosial bærekraft som driver for omstilling.
  • Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2021). «Skolen som nærmiljøarena» – viktigere enn noen gang. Fredrikstad Blad.
  • Ånestad, Ragnhild; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2021). Which frameworks, dimensions, and indicators are proposed for social sustainability in neighborhoods, local communities, and cities? A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. doi: 10.1177/14034948211046925.
  • Ånestad, Ragnhild; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2021). Hvilke rammeverk, dimensjoner og indikatorer foreslås i forskningslitteraturen for sosial bærekraft i nabolag, lokalsamfunn og byer?
  • Pettersen, Gry Rustad; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2021). People’s use of shopping centres for non-commercial purposes: A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948.
  • Pettersen, Gry Rustad; Nordbø, Emma Charlott Andersson; Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2021). Folks bruk av kjøpesentre for ikke-kommersielle formål: En systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2021). Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap, NMBU. Hva gjør vi og hva er folkehelse?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2021). Forskning på sosial bærekraft, Institutt for folkehelsevitenskap, NMBU .
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2021). Action for Health: What can regions do?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2021). Hvordan kan fylkeskommunen, kommuner og akademia jobbe sammen? .
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Folkehelsearbeid i Norge anno 2020 – hva er det? Fysioterapeuten. ISSN 0016-3384. 20(8), p. 6–7.
  • Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Sustainable public health partnerships: Results from 41 European, Asian and American regions. European Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1101-1262. 30, p. 989–990.
  • Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Sustainable public health partnerships: Results from 41 European, Asian and American regions .
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Compact cities: a reality check from the Scandinavian context.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2020). Health impacts of quarantine.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha & Ese, Jo (2019). Partnerships for improving population health between regional universities and governments -The WHYs, WHATs and HOWs.
  • Stefansdottir, Harpa; Næss, Petter & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Hvor i byen bor de mest fysisk aktive?
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha; Ese, Jo & Zambon, Francesco (2019). Partnerships for public health between regional governments and academic institutions – status quo in European regions. European Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1101-1262. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz185.559.
  • Ese, Jo; Flobak, Jenny; Castellan, Camilla & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2019). Important factors to ensure wellbeing in a whole-school setting – a photovoice study. European Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1101-1262. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz186.456.
  • Ese, Jo & Ihlebæk, Camilla Martha (2019). Joining two worlds - When academia meets real life and vice versa. European Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1101-1262. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz185.558.
  • Ese, Jo; Flobak, Jenny; Castellan, Camilla & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Important factors to ensure wellbeing in a whole-school setting – a photovoice study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. ISSN 1403-4948. 47, p. 14–15.
  • Ese, Jo; Castellan, Camilla; Flobak, Jenny & Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Important factors to ensure wellbeing in a whole-school setting - a photovoice study.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Robotassistert aktivitet som helsefremmende tiltak for eldre med demens.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Sub-national regions as advocates for equity in health.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Ese, Jo (2019). Partnerships for health, RHN.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla (2019). Resultater fra ansattundersøkelse Fredrik II VGS.
  • Ihlebæk, Camilla & Ese, Jo (2019). Partnerships for public health - Collaboration between sub-national regional universities and governments.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2018 4:08 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2022 4:17 PM