Bjørg Elisabeth Hermansen

English version of this page Institutt for sykepleie, helse og bioingeniørfag
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Faglige interesser

Mine helsefaglige interesser spenner bredt, der jeg anerkjenner ulike helsefaglige perspektiver på sykdom og helse.

Jeg har erfaring fra sykehjem, somatisk sykehus, akutt psykiatri, og velferdsteknologi i kommunehelsetjenesten. Min lengste erfaring er innenfor ortopedisk avdeling ved sykehuset i Østfold (Fredrikstad og Kalnes), som også var integrert med akuttgeriatri, og infeksiøs ortopedi. Nylig fikk jeg permisjon fra arbeidet som høgskolelektor, og fikk anledning til å jobbe med klinisk sykepleie i ett år (2022/2023) på sykehuset i Reykjavik. 

- Gjennomført Studium i praktisk universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk og digitale undervisningsformer ved høgskolen i Østfold.



My interests in health care professions are broad and wary widely. I acknowledge different perspectives in health care science. I emphasizes the importance of seeking an understanding of the different health issues and possibilities. 

I have experience from nursing homes, somatic hospital, acute psychiatry, and welfare technology in the municipality of Fredrikstad. My main experience is from the orthopaedic department at Østfold hospital. This ward unit also included emergency geriatrics and infectious orthopaedic patients. I recently received leave from work as a university lecturer and had the opportunity to work with clinical nursing for one year (2022/2023) at the hospital in Reykjavik.






  • Johansen, Håkon; Hermansen, Bjørg Elisabeth & Helgesen, Ann Karin (2024). Experiences with the Use of Video Bikes and Virtual Reality in Nursing Homes – a Qualitative Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. ISSN 1178-2390. 17, s. 2511–2519. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S457163.
  • Svendsen, Edel Jannecke; Opheim, Randi; Hermansen, Bjørg Elisabeth & Hardeland, Camilla (2023). Ad hoc digital communication and assessment during clinical placements in nursing education; a qualitative research study of students', clinical instructors', and teachers' experiences. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203. 18(7), s. 1–14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0287438.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Johansen, Håkon; Hermansen, Bjørg Elisabeth & Helgesen, Ann Karin (2024). Experiences with the Use of Video Bikes and Virtual Reality in Nursing Homes – a Qualitative Study (Abstract book) Changing Societies.
  • Johansen, Håkon; Hermansen, Bjørg Elisabeth & Helgesen, Ann Karin (2024). Experiences with the use of video bikes and Virtual Reality in nursing homes – a qualitative study.
  • Håkon, Johansen; Helgesen, Ann Karin & Hermansen, Bjørg Elisabeth (2023). Staff members experiences with activity with video bike and VR-glasses (Virtual Reality-glasses) in nursing homes.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 30. juli 2019 11:27 - Sist endret 25. okt. 2023 10:32