Ongoing project

The Shared LearnIng from Practice to improve Patient Safety (SLIPPS)

The Shared LearnIng from Practice to improve Patient Safety (SLIPPS) Multidisciplinary European Patient Safety project proposal was planned in response to the challenge to improve European patient safety competence and education.  

Every tenth patient suffers harm during their care episode, yet the majority of adverse care episodes and harm are preventable (Vlayen et al. 2012). Adverse events cause suffering for patients their families and significant others. They also impact upon health care organisations and their staff. Healthcare staff and students silent victims within the patient safety discourse and may experience long-lasting emotional distress following adverse events (Ullström et al. 2014). In health care programmes, learning takes place in both academic and work placement settings (Pearson et al 2009, 2010, Steven et al. 2014)

Given the potential impact of incidents on patients, staff and students it is important we develop:

  • tools and resources which assist students in: learning about types of patient safety incident; developing ‘resilience’; undertaking high quality research into patient safety incidents, safety culture and professional working
  • greater understandings of how witnessing or involvement in incidents influences students learning (and potentially future practice and culture)
  • greater understanding of patient safety incident diversity and frequency across professions, nations and health care systems

The SLIPPS project will set up an international patient safety education network and build an international open access virtual learning center for international, multiprofessional learning about patient safety.


This project's outputs will complement [previous] studies through:

  • Establishment of an international patient safety education network, IPSENDevelopment of a SLIPPS database (SD -O1) of learning event records about patient safety for international, multidisciplinary learning;
    • Develop tools and materials for students to record, reflect on and learn from important learning events about patient safety observed while in practice placements: Learning Event Recording Tools (LERT- O2)
  • Development of SLIPPS international open access Virtual Learning Centre (SVLC -O3)
  • Develop a range of complementary research studentships and projects which will draw on the SD, or examine the processes involved in setting up the project, in taking part for students, academics, HCOs, front line staff etc, and build capacity within the workforce.  
  • Through analysis of the LERs collected, the following will be developed:
  • A series of simulation scenarios (SLIPPS Simulation Scenarios - SSS) and the underpinning propositions of and scenarios for a patient safety game (SLIPPS Patient Safety Game - SPSG) (O4)
  • A series of virtual open access seminars (SLIPPS Virtual Seminars - SVS - O5)


Published Nov. 14, 2018 12:38 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2021 9:51 AM