Teachers Building Bridges: Insights, Methods, and Content from US Fulbright Educators

Friday March 15th, 2024


Larry Dorenkamp - Lower and upper secondary

Learning about history and world events means little without cultivating a personal connection for students because the personal connection is where true meaning lies. This session will provide educators with proven methods that utilize 21st-century technologies to provide evidence of learning. Attendees will be made acquainted with readily available tools like stop-motion, GarageBand, graphic novels, augmented reality, and more!

Elizabeth Grassi - All levels

This interactive workshop will walk participants through a number of mindfulness and meditation exercises that can be incorporated into any classroom to lower stress and increase academic achievement.  This workshop will present the science behind the benefits of mindfulness  and will present a number of strategies to increase mindfulness and decrease anxiety. Participants will have time to practice the different exercises presented. This workshop will include discussion of ways to incorporate mindfulness exercises into different content areas.

Lisa-Brit Wahlberg - Upper secondary

Brain Science and Learning

New discoveries in neuroscience are starting to inform teaching practices, lesson plans, and even school schedules! Learn how understanding the teenage brain can make a significant impact on learning, student performance, and confidence. Wahlberg will discuss three key areas: sleep, memory, and learning that can be enhanced using applied brain science. To meet the growing demands of diverse learners, the workshop will provide tools that connect brain science with teaching methods to enhance students’ planning, problem-solving, and reasoning skills.

Latoya Reid - Lower and upper secondary

Strategies for Robust Reading Instruction

Many have considered reading instruction to be the domain of writing and literature teachers. However, when one considers the fact that reading is a complex metacognitive process that includes the building upon knowledge across disciplines, it becomes clear that educators in every discipline benefit from improving their ability to teach reading skills. This workshop will explain how teachers can improve their reading instruction by applying the Reading Apprenticeship framework. Participants will have the opportunity to observe and practice several Reading Apprenticeship strategies, as well as obtain additional resources. 

Reflections on Race and Racism in the Norwegian Classroom: 

In this workshop, a Roving Scholar of color will share her experiences traveling to different upper secondary schools in Norway and identify trends she has observed in how issues of race and racism seem to be generally taught within the curriculum and handled within interpersonal exchanges in the classroom. This workshop is not a "tips and tricks" session; instead, this workshop is designed to inspire conversation and self-reflection that extends beyond the 75-minute session and meaningfully informs participants' careers in education. Finally, a few resources for further reading will also be shared. 

Alison K. Billman - All levels

Student motivation to learn is enhanced when students can see the relationship between school-based learning and their lives outside of school. Interdisciplinary inquiries, especially those that emerge from students’ own curiosities about the world, offer authentic contexts for solving real-life problems while developing proficiency with language and thinking skills. This workshop will help participants understand how to design inquiries that connect to life outside of school while still accomplishing goals of the national curriculum.

Publisert 19. des. 2023 14:44 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2024 13:03