Webinar om flerspråklighet

Bli med på webinar 16.02.22: How can we as teachers work with multilingualism in the English classroom? - med fokus på engelsk for elever med kort botid.
Foredragsholder er Elaine Gowie-Fleischer

With English classrooms having more linguistic diversity it is important that we teachers use the opportunity to work with this valuable resource. The new curriculum for Vg1 English states how students: “shall experience that the ability to speak several languages is an asset at school and in society in general”. It further states how language learning is about seeing the connection between English and other languages the students speak. However the above is easier said than done, with many teachers finding how to work multilingualism as a resource a challenge. 
The aim of this webinar is to address how we as teachers can work towards integrating multilingualism as a resource into our practice. Through the lens of students themselves you will be given first-hand tips, with a special focus on those that are new to Norway.
Join Elaine Gowie-Fleischer on the 16th of February to gain insight on how she has been working with multilingual students. With over 16 years experience she will be sharing ideas that can be used in your classroom, with a focus on how to use the home-languages of students in a way which is in line with the new Vg1 curriculum in English. 

(Se også gjerne våre andre kommende webinarer)


Publisert 21. jan. 2022 10:59 - Sist endret 2. apr. 2024 11:38