Fabulous Films - Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

This lesson plan can be used in English with pupils in vocational and general programmes

Short Description

This lesson plan can be used in English with pupils in vocational and general programmes. It is especially relevant for pupils at NA (Vg1) and AKV (Vg2), being a useful starting point for vocational/FYR related tasks within English. It also offers excellent opportunities for joint projects/tasks with vocational subject teachers. The film is based on a novel, which can be used for text work.

The aim of the plan is to use the film Salmon Fishing in the Yemen to introduce the pupils to relevant vocabulary in NAB and AKV, as well as discuss ethical and environmental issues. The pupils will explain, explore and elaborate on key topics. They will also analyse and reflect within their chosen area of occupation. They will use three of the basic skills (grunnleggende ferdigheter): Oral skills, digital skills, and being able to express oneself in writing.

Den generelle læreplan

Filmen dekkjer fleire tema som ein kan diskutere innanfor hovudområda: Det meiningssøkjande menneske, kulturarv og identitet (s. 2) og Det integrerte menneske (s. 8).

Competence Aims in K06


Muntlig kommunikasjon

  • forstå og bruke et bredt generelt ordforråd og et faglig ordforråd knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram
  • lytte til og forstå sosiale og geografiske varianter av engelsk fra autentiske situasjoner
  • uttrykke seg på en nyansert og presis måte med god flyt og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon

Skriftlig kommunikasjon

  • skrive ulike typer tekster med struktur og sammenheng, tilpasset formål og situasjon

Kultur, samfunn og litteratur


  • drøfte engelskspråklige filmer og andre kulturuttrykk fra forskjellige medier
  • drøfte kultur og samfunnsforhold i flere engelskspråklige land


Naturbasert produksjon

  • utføre arbeidsoppgaver knyttet til stell av dyr eller fisk basert på etiske retningslinjer og kunnskaper om organismenes miljøkrav
  • identifisere, klassifisere og presentere et utvalg arter og materialer


Oppdrett og miljø

  • identifisere miljøproblemer knyttet til akvakultur og drøfte hvordan de kan forebygges lokalt og globalt

Anlegg og teknikk

  • beskrive oppbygning og funksjon av anleggstyper for egg, yngel, matfisk, alge og skalldyrproduksjon

Teaching Objectives

The project should enable pupils to:

  • show increased understanding of ethical and environmental issues of salmon farming
  • demonstrate increased listening, oral, written, reflection, discussion and teamwork skills
  • widen their general and programrelated vocabulary

Debriefing and Assessment

Some assessment exercises are outlined in the activity section below. In addition:

  1. If working on Google docs, then the groups could assess each other’s texts. Provide them with an assessment form for skriftlig/muntlig vurdering.


  2. Groups of four. Use a consensus mat sheet ( A3 size, see illustration) and ask each person to write down the most important words that they have learnt from watching the film in their part of the mat sheet (14), and then agree on what should be written in the centre box to be shared with the rest of the class. 
  3. Written work can be handed in and assessed by the teacher too.
  4. Make a Kahoot based on the glossary words (see Resources) 





Novel: Torday, Paul. 2007. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Film: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. 2011. Director: Lasse Hallström



  • Book auditorium or make sure computer, speakers and projector works
  • Have film at hand
  • Have a glossary list at hand
  • Copy worksheets, check links: the life cycle of a salmon


  • Notebook, pen or pencil


Plan of Lessons

Prefilm activity

Go through a glossary list (see Resources, sheet 3). Let the students practice new vocabulary and work in pairs to explain the life cycle of a salmon (illustration on worksheet).

Show pupils where Scotland, the Yemen, Brussels and London are on a map. Ask the pupils what they know about the Yemen.

Watching the film: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

  • Watch together
  • Suggested whilstwatching activity: Eleven får utdelt en concept circle(se Ressurser, sheet 4) på et ark. Mens elevens ser filmen, skal de fylle inn ett ord i hver sektor; dette kan være relatert til det de mener er temaer i filmen, eller man kan velge ut karakterer som så beskrives med fire ord (dette gir også grunnlag for aktivitet 1 – postfilm activity).

Possible postfilm activities include

Film, in conjunction with the book:

  1. Fishfarming
  • Read pages 141 143 in the novel and ask the pupils if they remember the scene in the film. Salmon farming is portrayed negatively and raises ethical and environmental issues. Ask the pupils if they agree or disagree with Dr. Jones’s reflections in the book. Discuss: “What makes a good argument?” List the ethical and environmental issues he raises on the whiteboard and ask the pupils if there are any others. Now ask the pupils to write a letter to Dr. Jones and the Sheikh in which they write a persuasive text about salmon farming in Norway.
  • You could still do this task if you’re just using the film.
  1. Debate
  • Have a class debate for and against fishfarming, or organise the groups into pairs. One of them assumes the role of Dr. Jones or the Sheikh and has to argue against salmon farming with their partner, who argues for salmon farming. The debate could be a followup to task 1.
  1. Ending

    The ending of the book is significantly different to the film. The film ending is also a little controversial. Have the pupils read the end of the book from p.263 317. Discuss which ending they liked best: film or book.

  2. Text work
    The book has a number of letters sent from Captain Robert Matthews to Hilary. They have been censored by the army wherein certain words are blanked out (e.g. p. 77, 80). Show the letters to your pupils and have them work in pairs and fill in the blanks. There is no answer key (fasit), so have the pairs read out their completed letter and have the class vote on the best one. Or the pairs could hang their letters on the wall and every pair has to circulate and read all of the letters and then vote.
  3. Glossary
    Make a kahoot based on the glossary words (see Resources)
  4. Film ending
    Put two posters on the wall, one with AGREE and one with DISAGREE. Ask the pupils to stand in the middle of the room. Now ask them to move and stand by the appropriate poster after you have read out a statement: “Hilary ended up with the right man.” (Dr. Jones, Captain Matthews). Each group has to come with three statements to justify their choice. The pupils could write their own ending too.
  5. Characters
    Ask the pupils to write a character description of Dr. Jones, Captain Matthews and Hilary on google.docs. They should read at least two of their classmates. Now have them stand in the middle of the classroom again and do/repeat task 5.
  6. Presentation
    Have the pupils make a Powerpoint presentation or poster presentation on the salmon, both wild and farmed. They can use the glossary to help them.
  7. Film discussion

e.g. themes, climax, point of view, setting, characters, denouement, conclusion (see ndla link in resources).


Follow up

You could go on to look in more depth at Scotland.

Comments This lesson plan is very flexible and can be used in all English lessons. 

Developed by Alison Jones Rød, Fusa vgs. 

Et FYRopplegg utarbeidet i samarbeid med



Publisert 13. des. 2018 13:05 - Sist endret 8. juni 2021 13:06