Fabulous Films - Of Mice and Men

The aim of this lesson is to use the film Of Mice and Men to engage the pupils in a discussion centred around many important issues.

Short Description

The aim of this lesson is to use the film Of Mice and Men to engage the pupils in a discussion centred around many important issues. The pupils will explain, explore and elaborate on key topics.  They will also analyse and reflect to a high degree. They will use three of the  basic skills (grunnleggende ferdigheter): å kunne uttrykke seg muntlig, å kunne bruke digitalt verktøy, å kunne skrive.

Competence Aims in LK20

General Studies (SF VG1) but can also be used for Vocational Studies (YF):

  • Use appropriate strategies for language learning, text creation and communication
  • Use appropriate digital resources and other aids in language learning, text creation and interaction
  • Describe key features of the development of English as a global language
  • Explore and reflect on diversity and social conditions in the English-speaking world based on historical contexts
  • Discuss and reflect on form, content and language features and literary devices in different cultural forms of expression from different media in the English-language world, including music, film and gaming

HO vg1

  • gjere greie for og gi døme på kva haldningar, verdiar og menneskesyn er, med utgangspunkt i ulike psykologiske perspektiv
  • kommunisere med ulike brukarar ut frå deira behov og modningsnivå
  • drøfte og prøve ut ulike modellar for konflikthandtering
  • forklare kva eit etisk dilemma er, og gi døme på slike dilemma

NA vg1

  • utføre arbeidsoppgaver knyttet til stell av planter basert på kunnskaper om planters miljøkrav
  • planlegge og gjennomføre arbeid og aktiviteter i tråd med gjeldende yrkesmessige krav til utførelse, helse, miljø og sikkerhet og kvalitetssystemer

Teaching Objectives

  • Increase pupils’ understanding of the Great Depression in the USA, the American Dream, discrimination, prejudice, friendship and loneliness.
  • Develop pupils’ listening, oral, analysis, discussion and teamwork skills
  • Increase pupils’ general and program-related vocabulary

Debriefing and Assessment

If working on Google docs, then the groups could assess each other’s texts and/or videos. Provide them with an assessment form for skriftlig/muntlig vurdering (see resources).

Use a consensus mat sheet (this ressurshefte) and ask each person to write down the most important things they have learnt from watching the film, including words and terms, and then agree on what should be written in the centre box to be shared with the rest of the class.

Egen vurdering. Give the pupils a sheet of paper with a Continuum-Value line:




Ask the pupils to put a cross on the line (above) reflecting their opinion, and then ask them to stand and form themselves physically, in a line according to where they have placed their cross on the paper. Each pupil should then talk to the two pupils either side of them and give reasons for their choice. The line can be formed into a circle so that the pupil who feels that they learnt the least stands next to the pupil who feels that they learnt the most.

Written work can be handed in and assessed by the teacher too.




  • Book auditorium or make sure computer, speakers and projector works
  • have film at hand
  • have discussion points on paper for the pupils to think about during the film
  • make a vocabulary list


  • Notebook, pen or pencil

Plan of Lessons

Pre-film activity

activate pupils’ previous knowledge. Have pairs and, eventually the whole class, discuss certain themes to prepare them for the film. Some suggestions:

  • What is ‘The American Dream?’
  • When and what was the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl?
  • What is a migrant worker and where in the world today, do we have migrant workers?

Film - watch together

Possible post-film activities include

  1. Film analysis
    e.g. themes, climax, point of view, setting, characters, denouement, conclusion (see ndla link in resources).
  2. Characters

    Of Mice and Men has a plethora of interesting characters.

    1. hang name posters on the classroom walls. Ask pupils to stand in front of, for example, their favourite character, most hated character, the character they have most sympathy with, the loneliest etc. Ask them to either give a written, or an oral account of the character. If there is more than one pupil at the poster they can discuss and agree on a final statement.
    2. ask pupils to go around and write up key words on the posters that describe the personality and appearance of the characters.
  3. Dilema

    There are a number of dilemas here. Ask the pupils to discuss one or all of the following:

    • the ending. Do they think it was the right ending? What would they have done?
    • Candy’s dog. Should he have shot his own dog? Should he have let Carlson shoot his dog?
    • Should George have let Lennie have pet mice and puppies knowing that he’d end up killing them?
  4. Film Review:
    the pupils could write a film and/or book review (see resources)
  5. Writing
    • ask the pupils to write a newspaper article describing the final event in the book.
    • ask the pupils to write their own ending, or do a newsflash (video).
    • ask pupils to imagine that George, Lenny and Candy realise their dream and write an account of their first month in their new home.
  6. Resources: use the Penguin resources.


You could go on to look in more depth at the History of the USA


This lesson plan is very flexible and can be used in all English lessons.

Developed by

Alison Jones Rød

Bearbeidet av Spiwe T. Rønning


Publisert 13. des. 2018 13:05 - Sist endret 8. juni 2021 13:06