What Do I Need for My First Toolbox?

The pupils use the software program Photo Story 3 or another similar program to create a visual storyline of what they will need to do to purchase the contents of their first toolbox. The digital storywill include images, a voice-over, and may include music.

Photo: Copyright Fremmedspråksenteret

Kort beskrivelse

The task description is given on a separate worksheet.

This lesson plan focuses on digital skills and may be linked to «Læringsplakaten»: Skulen og lærebedrifta skal stimulere lærelyst, evne til å halde ut og nyfikne blant elevane og lærlingane/lærekandidatane og

fremme tilpassa opplæring og varierte arbeidsmåtar.

This lesson plan focuses on digital skills and may be linked to «Læringsplakaten»: Skulen og lærebedrifta skal stimulere lærelyst, evne til å halde ut og nyfikne blant elevane og lærlingane/lærekandidatane og fremme tilpassa opplæring og varierte arbeidsmåtar.



Muntlig kommunikasjon

  • forstå og bruke et bredt generelt ordforråd og et faglig ordforråd knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram
  • tolke og bruke teknisk og matematisk informasjon i kommunikasjon

Skriftlig kommunikasjon

  • produsere ulike typer tekster tilpasset digitale formkrav i forskjellige digitale medier

Vg1 Elektrofag:

Data- og elektronikksystemer

  • bruke faglig presist språk om systemene, tilpasset brukere, supportpersonell, kolleger og representanter fra andre fagområder


The pupils should learn:

  • how to use Photo Story or another programto create a digital story
  • how to set up a basic budget in order to purchase their tools for a basic electrician’stoolbox
  • the names and the uses of tools that are relevant to their study program, in English
  • to write and read out loud their own descriptions of what they need to have for their first toolbox


  • Avoid unauthorized programs! Photo Story 3 for Windows should be downloaded fromthe Microsoft website to keep clear of viruses.
  • In order to play the finished product - a video -Windows Media Player or another media player must be installed.
  • The pupils needheadsets with a microphone to be able to record their own voice.
  • A step-by-step guide for how to use the Photo Story 3 program (pdf) is available at Fremmedspråksenterets website. 
  • Rules for Copyright and Creative Commons:Del Rett (delrett.no)


  • The teacher must learn how to use Photo Story 3, and the students need to download this program to their computers.
  • Download and copy the Step-by-step guide (See Resources).
  • Since images will be used, the students need to be instructed in the proper use of copyright material from the Internet.
  • Copy or upload thetask descriptioninto the classroom in the learning management platform.

Plan for opplegget

  • Lesson 1: Students download Photo Story and teacher gives a description of how to use it. The students might be given the step-by-step forsupport.
  • The students are given the task of creating a Photo Story describing what they need to do in order to purchase their first toolbox.
  • The final product needs to be 2-3 minutes long, and contain images, text and a voice-over. Music may also be used. If possible, the students can take their own pictures of the tools and use them for the Photo Story. Hand out thetask description.

Refleksjon og vurdering

Possible discussion topics:

  • Earning money as an electrician
  • The importance of budgeting
  • Why do they need to have their own toolboxes?
  • Did their Photo Story fulfill all of the criteria for the task?
  • Based on task completion and effort, what grade would they give themselves?


Teacher is to have a brief discussion with each pupil about the assessment task.


It may now be possible for pupils to create impromptu Photo Stories for other tasks in class, such as when creating presentations.

Utarbeidelse av opplegg

Elyzabeth Wild, Hortenvgs.

Et FYR-opplegg utarbeidet i samarbeid med Fremmedspråksenteret


Publisert 13. des. 2018 13:05 - Sist endret 8. juni 2021 13:06