Celebrating Multilingualism

Title: Celebrating Multilingualism in the English Classroom
Topic: Diversity/Multilingualism
Grade: Vgs (can be adapted to suit other levels) 
Time: 4 x 60-minute lessons

About the resource

The purpose of this resource is to celebrate the diversity in the classroom by focusing on the languages the students speak. Actively working with home languages and multilingualism contributes to recognition and inclusion. It also highlights how much students interact with languages other than their own.

Teacher tip

This is a great way to show the diversity within a classroom in Norway. The students are surprised at how many different languages they speak within one class.

Key words

multilingualism, diversity, inclusion, language

LK20 Core curriculum

A common framework gives and shall give room for diversity, and the pupils must be given insight into how we live together with different perspectives, attitudes, and views of life. The experiences the pupils gain in the encounter with different cultural expressions and traditions help them to form their identity. A good society is founded on the ideals of inclusiveness and diversity.

Competence aims for vg1

  • use a variety of strategies for language learning, text creation and communication
  • use key patterns of pronunciation in communication

Interdisciplinary topics

The dialogue between teacher and pupils, and between the school and the home, must be based on mutual respect. When the voices of the pupils are heard in school, their experience will be positive, thus encouraging them to keep speaking! (Core Curriculum #1.6). 

Basic skills

  • Oral skills are the focus of this resource. During the “meet-and-greet” session students communicate in their home-language, as well as learning the other home-languages in the classroom.
  • Writing - Students write down translations of English phrases into their home- language.
  • Reading - Students read the texts of their fellow students. Reading is done silently or to the group out loud.
  • Digital - Students are allowed to search the internet to find the correct translations for the English phrases. This provides an opportunity to critically look at the accuracy of google translate.

Learning objectives

The pupils(s) should be able to:

  • learn basic phrases in languages other than their own
  • be aware of their own and other languages in the classroom
  • visualize the results from the language survey


The resources below are intended as a guide. The task sheets allow students to show understanding and write to their own ability.

Task sheets

Teacher preparation/materials needed

  • Poster paper
  • Coloured pens/scissors/glue/access to a printer printed out task sheets

Task sheet 1

Students write a list of the languages they speak, a few sentences / paragraphs describing in which context these languages are used. Here is an opportunity for students to choose the language they wish to write about.

Task sheet 2

Students translate basic phrases in English to their home-languages. They then move around the classroom saying these phrases to each other.  
This task highlights the variety of languages used by the students in the class, at school, at home, with friends and with family.

Task sheet 3

Individually students make a list of the languages they speak. The teacher then makes a tally of languages on the board for the students to make a visual representation.

Plan for lessons

Task sheet 1 - The languages I speak 

The outcome:
Students are made aware of the variety of languages they use in their lives.

The process:

  1. Hand out task 1 sheet.
  2. Instruct the students that they are to think about all the languages they use by making a list. (sheet 1)
  3. Once students have made a list, they can write a few sentences to describe in which context they use the different languages.
  4. Once task 1 is finished, an overall tally of the results should be written on the board by the teacher. For example, 5 students speak Arabic, 6 students speak French etc. The students use the results of the task sheet to draw the class results in pictures.

Task sheet 2 - Fun with language

The outcome:
Students translate a few simple phrases from English to their home-language.

The process:
Students translate the three given simple phrases found on the task sheet into their home languages. Once complete, they move around the classroom greeting each other in their own home language. This is a fun way to hear, use, and most importantly learn different languages.

Task sheet 3 - Our language portraits 

The outcome:
Students work together in pairs to produce a visual picture of the results of the languages spoken in the classroom. The product gives a clear picture of how diverse the students are. 

The process:
Place the students in pairs. Hand out task sheet 3, and provide the materials needed to create the poster. 

Comments and follow-up that lead to deeper learning:

To work more actively with the language:
1.    The students can compare and contrast the written phrases from task 1. The students can look for grammatical, phonetical, or visual similarities and differences. 

2.    The students can find out the origins of words and see which countries the words originate from.  Similarities and differences can be displayed in the classroom.  

Idea developed by:

Elaine Gowie-Fleischer (EL EDUCATION)
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Publisert 3. okt. 2022 10:21 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2023 13:34