Guideline for the PhD project proposal

General considerations 

1. The project description should in short answer the WHAT, HOW and WHY questions of the research. WHAT are to be researched and WHY, and HOW is it going to be researched and WHY do we need this research.

2. The structure and character of project descriptions will vary somewhat depending on within which academic disciplines and research strategies the project is situated. However, there are some quality standards across the different scientific traditions. 

    1. The theme should be clearly stated and argued.  
    2. It should be argued how the research fits within the scope of the PhD-program Digitalisation and Society and have an interdisciplinary character. The interdisciplinary character can be strong or weak.
    3. The project should be situated in existing research literature. 
    4. The research questions should be clearly stated, and possible to answer through the study and reflected in the choice of theories and methods. 
    5. Theoretical concepts and aspects should be explained and operationalized.  
    6. The overall research design, methodological choices and ethical aspects should be described and argued. 
    7. A tentative plan for the themes of the articles or the chapters and for the time schedule of the research should be included. 
    8. A time schedule of the research should be included (in addition to the information given in the electronic application form):  Data collecting where and when, analysis, when different articles/chapters/extended outline are expected to be finished.
    9. A list of references should also be included. 

A possible structure for the project description  

  1. Introduction 

In the introduction, the project is described, contextualized, and justified. What is the main field and theme of the project? Why is this research important, and what is its possible contribution? What are the main aims and research questions? 

  1. Situating the project in existing research 

Relevant existing research is described, and the project is positioned within existing knowledge in the area. 

  1. Theoretical and conceptual aspects 

Key theoretical and conceptual aspects are described, discussed in relation to the research project and operationalized. 

  1. Methodological and ethical issues 

This section describes the practical plan for the research in some detail, in light of methodological literature. It is also important to justify research strategies and methodological choices. This may also be the section for describing the overall research design of the project, as well as strategies for data collection and analysis. 

  1. Monograph or article-based dissertation 

Will the dissertation be article-based or a monograph? In the first case, which articles are planned, what is the plan for publishing – and not at least, how do the articles fit in to the project as a whole. 

  1. Progress plan 

A plan for main activities and aims for each semester (for instance literature study, data collection/fieldwork, analysis, writing, submitting articles, editing and revising). 


Criteria for evaluation of the project description 

  1. The project is within the scope of the PhD-program Digitalisation and Society. 
  2. Originality in relation to existing research and development of new knowledge. 
  3. Good knowledge of the theme in general and extensive knowledge of research literature on the specific research field. 
  4. Clear and researchable aims and research questions. 
  5. Coherent and well-argued research design.
  6. How the research is practically planned is described and argued. 
  7. The research is doable within the frames and resources of the project. 
  8. Theory and methods are well described, argued, and operationalized. 



Publisert 23. mai 2023 10:49 - Sist endret 26. mai 2023 15:38