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Ostfold University College as a Publisher

At Ostfold University College you can get help if you want to establish a new Open Access journal.  It is also possible to publish development work that is carried out for external clients.

HIOF Open Access Journals

The Library offers a publishing solution for researchers and professional environments that want to start up peer review Open Access journal. 

In collaboration with the University College's IT department, the library operates a publishing service for Open Access journals based on the software Open Journal Systems (OJS).  In addition to the technical operations of the system, we offer help in setting up, training and user support. We contribute also with indexing, importing to Directory of Open Access (DOAJ) and DOI from Crossref.  The professional communities themselves are responsible for the daily administration of the journal as well as editorial processes with manual editing, correcting and document management. 

The following criteria applies for establishing a journal in Hiof's Open Access Journals:

  • The Journal should be Open Access
    • The Journal should be free
    • The Journal should provide easy access to articles without registration or login requirements
    • It is desirable that related research data is made available together with the articles, where appropriate. 
  • The Journal should have ISSN. Articles in the Journal should have DOI. All authors should have an ORCiD-ID
  • Establishment of new journals should be based on a professional and scientific justification.  
  • The Journal must be affiliated with Ostfold University College such that the editor, editorial members or the Journal's administrative personnel are employees of the institution. 
  • The editor has editorial responsibility for all content in the journal.  This applies also to linking to content outside the platform.  Editorial responsibility includes also proofreading, editing work, peer review and other.
  • The Journal must have routines for peer review procedures in place and should satisfy the requirements to qualify as a level 1 journal
  • The Journal should be published with a Creative Commons-license.  The license CC-BY is recommended, but the editor can also choose CC BY-SA or CC BY-NC if this is more appropriate
  • Authors publishing at HIOF Open Access Journals retain copyright of their articles, but grants the journal the right to be first publisher.
  • The Journal should be active and have a realistic plan for future publications
  • Vice Chancellor for research and dissemination at Ostfold University College has overarching responsiblity for approving new journals on the platform 
  • DIFIs accessiblity requirements  are followed as far as possible at article level, e.g. image-PDF cannot be used 

Terms and conditions, and guidelines are subject to change.

If you have questions or plans to start up a jounral, contact

Publishing commissioned reports

Ostfold University College offers publishing of development work carried out for external clients. The publications are published in the University College's commissioned report series.    

Manuscripts are prepared by the author. The Leader of the institute where the assignment is carried out has the ultimate editorial responsibility for deciding which manuscripts are to be published. It will not be published by the library's publishing servcies.  The following requirements apply for manuscripts: 

  • Font: Source Sans Pro
  • Font Size: The Journal will be photographed down to the A5-format by printing, so the text must be in size 14 point. Headings can be larger and/or highlighted.
  • Use of footnotes: Footnotes in works to be printed, must be typed in 12 point. 
  • Use styles on Headings 
  • Use tables without borders instead of text boxes  
  • Cover pages: Cover pages should be standardized. Cover pages are created and inserted in by the library's publishing service when preparing the manuscript.  Disclosures about title and author information should be sent to the publishing service as a separate document together with the manuscript.  The client's logo cannot be inserted on the title page/cover page, but the author could possibly insert the logo on the first page of the manuscript instead, which would appear immediately after the standard pages
  • Page numbering: page numbers are placed in the middle bottom of the page.  Start the manuscript with page 1 in the table contents, forward or whatever comes first in the document. 
  • Format: The manuscript is sent in PDF-format to the library's publishing service
  • Authors supplies also a summary of the work up to 200 words in Word-format.  This will be published together with the assignment report. 

The library assigns the assignment report ISBN and serial number. Please allow for at least three weeks from the delivery of the manuscript until the assignment report is published.

All assignment reports are published electronically in the University College's scientific archive Brage and become searchable in Oria. If the assignment reports are published in print, the institution is paid for the printing. Authors or the institution will decide the number of copies to be printed. The library manager has the responsibility for the mandatory submission of the assignment reports. It must be calculated that ten copies of the number shall be printed for mandatory submission. 

In connection with publishing in Brage and the University College's assignment report series, an agreement must be signed between one of the authors and the University College.  The agreement regulates rights and obligations between the University College and the authors. 

Ostfold University College does not publish publications in another series than the assignment report series. 

The contact person for the assignment report series is Kent André Iversen Crantz.

Published May 9, 2023 11:16 AM - Last modified May 9, 2023 11:16 AM