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Grants for Research Stays Abroad

2024 call


The Central Research Committee has NOK 1 000 000 available for grants in 2024. Each scholarship can apply for NOK 250 000 for at least 3 months. 

The application is organised by Research Administration on behalf of Vice-Rector for Research and Dissemination, who is the leader of the Central Research Committee and has the decision-making authorithy for funding of the Research Stays Abroad Grants.     

Here are the websites to follow:


The purpose of the grant is to support the building of networks with foreign institutions that can form the basis for later applications to the Norwegian Research Council (RCN) and EU, and to other international announcements.

The PhD candidates cannot apply, but we recommend to contact the Vice-Dean for Research and the Head of Department for information about the opportunities and funding for stays abroad. 

Application process

  • As there is no specific deadline for submitting an application, it is still recommended that you apply as early as possible especially if you are aware that you have plans to stay abroad during the calendar year.
  • Applications are evaluated by Research Administration and their recommendation of which applications to support is provided to the Vice-Rector of Research and Dissemination, who represents the Central Research Committee.  
  • The application must include the approval from the Head of the Department that the resercher can travel abroad (for example regarding teaching obligations).  
  • Please send your applications to Magdalena Edvardsen ( 
  • The department can decide how the funds will be used (e.g. “frikjøp” – purchase of release time), but it is assumed that the applicant can spend up to half of the grant for documented extra expenses in connection with the stay abroad. In addition, the applicant's share of the grant shall cover travel expenses to / from the place of residence (including expenses for family members) and, if necessary, to professional meetings and conferences.


  • The applicant must have established contact with an academic community at a foreign institution. This community must be relevant to the applicant's research work and of an adequate professional standard as it can be a possible partner in future RCN and EU applications.
  • The applicant must be affiliated with the host institution as a visiting scholar or a visiting fellow, with access to the local infrastructure (office space, network, library, etc.).
  • The stay must last for a minimum of three months and the applicant must stay at the foreign institution during the fellowship period, with the exception of shorter trips to attend conferences etc.
  • The applicant cannot have any other paid employment during the fellowship period than his/hers position at ØUC.
  • The applicant must submit a report to Magdalena Edvardsen within two months after the end of the fellowship period. 
  • The fellowship grant payment will be paid retrospectively, that is in order for the reimbursement to be processed, the applicant’s report must have been received and approved by the Center Research Committee in consultation with the rector.  It is possible to apply for advance payment for higher expences regarding the travel.  

The application must include

• a reasonably detailed description of the research work to be carried out during the grant period.

• a description of the academic department to which you wish to be affiliated.

• a description of the relevant academic community’s contributions to the research work that will be carried out during the stay.

• an explanation of how this community will strengthen future research collaborations, including as a partner in a future or ongoing RCN / EU application. This explanation should be linked to current RCN / EU programmes.

• an invitation from the host institution, including a confirmation that the applicant can be affiliated with the institution as a visiting scholar or a visiting fellow, with access to the local infrastructure (office space, network, library, etc.).

• an approval from the Head of Department (instituttleder). 


Published Aug. 5, 2020 9:16 AM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2024 11:13 AM