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English writing and editing support

Senior Advisor in Research Administration, Leanne Torgersen, provides english language writing and editing support services to externally funded applications for research funding. She has over nine years of experience in research administration and has been involved in grant writing, manuscripts for publication, development and writing of research project protocols, webpage editing; and education forms and exams.

This service is very limited due to the fact that the work demands of research administration are overloaded.   

You can send a request for english language guidance by answering the questionnaire linked below.

Link to request form for English support services:



We have also an agreement for språkvask services with Semantix (see link below)

rammeavtale med Semantix




Foto: Unknown author licensed under CC BY-SA-NC


Published Sep. 1, 2022 1:16 PM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2023 1:57 PM