Norwegian version of this page

Select and register publication channels

Select and register publication channels 

How do you select a publication channel? 

In order for a publication to qualify for publication points, it must, among other things, be published in a channel that is approved in The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers

The approved channels are divided into levels. Level 1 channels provide standard publication points in the Norwegian publication system, and these channels publish approximately 80 percent of the publications. Level 2 channels provide extra publication points, include the most prestigious channels and publish approximately 20 percent of all publications. There is also a level 0 and a level X. If a channel is at level 0, it is not approved. Therefore, you must avoid publishing your work in it.  Channels at level X have previously been a level 1 og 2 channel, but has been removed and placed in a level X category due to suspicion that requirements are not fulfilled. 

If you want to publish your work in an Open Access channel, you can refine your channel registry search so you only get Open Access channel matches. Read more about Open Access publishing and publication funds on the open researchpages.  

How do you register a publication channel? 

If you wish to publish your work in a channel that is not registered at either level 1 or level 2 in the NSD registry, you can register it yourself with the National Board of Scholarly Publishing (NPU), cf. procedures for registry proposals. If possible, you should delay the publication of your work in this channel until the National Board of Scholarly Publishing has assessed it. It may be rejected and therefore not receive a publication level, cf. approval criteria for publication channels.  

However, if the channel is approved by the National Board of Scholarly Publishing (NPU), it will automatically be placed at level 1. You must contact your academic body when proposing level 2 channels. More information about this can be found on the Norwegian Publication Indicator’s website.  

The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers is operated and maintained through a collaboration between the National Board of Scholarly Publishing (NPU) and the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Research. 


The PhD on track website provides good information about choosing publication channels. 

Published Oct. 22, 2020 3:37 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2022 2:12 PM