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Leganto digital reading list system

All reading lists at Østfold University College are edited and published in the Leganto reading list system.

Leganto is a tool for students, lecturers and librarians that provides digital reading lists and easier access to the documents included in a reading list. For course coordinators, the Leganto digital reading list system will simplify the work with reading lists.

The course coordinator is responsible for editing reading lists

You will find a draft of the reading list based on the last time the course was taught. Your task as course coordinator is to check and edit this draft. You must click "Send to library" when the list is complete. This must always be done, even if no changes have been made!

How do I edit a reading list in Leganto?

The user manual for Leganto will take you through the process step by step. 

Progress and deadlines

What Who Deadline spring courses Deadline autumn courses

Edit and send reading lists in Leganto

Publish reading list

Course coordinator


May 15

June  22

November 15

December 22

Roles and responsibility regarding reading lists are described in Funksjonsbeskrivelse for emneansvarlig at Østfold University College.

Where can I find the reading lists?

  • In Leganto
    • You can find an overview over published reading lists in Leganto. You can search for course code or course title.
  • In Canvas
    • Leganto is integrated with Canvas. In each course room there will be a link named “Literature” that will take you to the reading list.
  • On Østfold University College’s website
    • Find the right study in the study program overview. Click on the study program and find the link to course literature.

What are the benefits of using Leganto?

  • Reading lists and references can easily be reused from one year to another
  • You don’t have to worry about output styles and the individual elements of a reference
  • Leganto is connected to Canvas and the library’s search engine Oria
  • The reading lists will be available for the students in Canvas
  • Access to full text articles and information about the books’ availability in the library is integrated in the reading list
  • You can easily send the reading lists to the library for further processing, e.g. for the purchase of textbooks
Published Apr. 4, 2022 8:27 AM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2023 10:32 AM