
During this spring (2018) several workshops were held in cooperation with Inspera. The workshops covered:

  • Elementary use of Inspera Assessment (beginners)
  • Advantages and limitations with Inspera Assessment (advanced)
  • How to do grading in Inspera Assessment (examiners)

Campus Fredrikstad:

8. march: 09.00-11.00 (room A-314): Beginners  

20. march: 12.15-14.00 (room N-304): Advanced

12. april: 12.00-14.00 (room N-304): Examiners

Campus Halden:

15. march: 12.00-14.00 (room E1-074): Beginners

22. march: 14.00-16.00 (room E1-074): Advanced

19. april: 09.00-11.00 (room E1-064): Examiners


Remember to bring a portable computer (and electricity cable if needed). You can choose freely between the different workshops at both campuses.

Published Oct. 8, 2018 9:50 AM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2018 3:18 PM