How to proceed

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to proceed if you wish to hold a digital exam in your course. You will find more detailed information about each of these steps in the internet resource itself (e.g. ‘Logging in to Inspera Assessment’, ‘Creating exam questions’ etc.) 

  • Start by contacting the exam administration at your campus to register your wish for a digital exam in your course. In some cases, there may be challenges or questions that need to be clarified before you can proceed. 
  • Once you have been given the green light by the exam administration, it is time to inform the students that the exam in the course in question will be in digital form. You can refer the students to the information page on digital exams prepared specifically for them (here), which, among other things, contains information about the time/place of drop-in sessions at each campus where they can get additional information and help as needed.
  • Ask the exam administration to create a user for you (in the author role) in Inspera Assessment, which is Østfold University College’s main digital exam tool.
  • Then log in to Inspera Assessment, and familiarise yourself with the tool. Hopefully, you will already have participated in one of this spring’s workshops held by Inspera (see ‘Workshops’).
  • Now that you are ready to start making the question set for your exam, you can make active use of this internet resource, which also contains several links to Inspera's own help pages. It may also be useful to contact a colleague with experience of making such question sets. 
  • When you consider your set of questions completed, inform the exam administration, which will review the structure of the set to check if anything is unclear. It is important to emphasise that, as the person responsible for the course, you are responsible for the academic content. The question set will be finalised in dialogue with the exam administration.

If you have questions or need support during the process, please contact the exam administration at your campus (see ‘Do you need support?’). 

Published Oct. 8, 2018 9:50 AM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2018 9:50 AM