Grading and plagiarism control


As an examiner you receive the exam papers in its digitalized form shortly after the exam is finalized. Examiners assess and grade the papers in Inspera directly. Inspera have developed help resources with step-by-step guidance for examiners. Find them here

Internal examiners log in to using their Feide username and password (use the button ‘Logg inn med Feide’).

External examiners and others who do not have a HiØ user account will receive usernames and passwords from the exam administration and log in via ‘Registrert bruker’. 

NEW: both internal and external examiners can now use ID-porten.

Plagiarism checks

From this autumn (2018) onwards, HiØ uses Urkund as their plagiarism control tool. Urkund is integrated with Inspera Assessment. An interactive plagiarism report is the product of the plagiarism check, and this report is visible for examiners in Inspera (see below for a description of HiØ`s workflow). The report is based on text similarity where the assignment has been tested against a broad range of sources (see more here). As an examiner you will find a percentage of text similarity (for example 15%). The percentage will give you a first indication as an examiner of the status of this text with regard to possible plagiarism attempts. A closer manual inspection of the report will have to follow to decide whether it is a case of plagiarism. On Friday 26. October, Urkund visited HiØ to present the tool and its different levels of application, with a focus on the mentioned report. The video of this presentation will be published on this internet resource come end of November.

Routines and workflow

Bachelor- and master thesis`s (and other large submissions)

  • In the relevant course descriptions it is specified that these submissions will automatically be sent to plagiarism control. Subsequently, the exam administration goes through all the individual assignments to secure equal practice at the different departments, and to secure equal treatment within the same course when the exam has many commissions.

  • On suspicion, the exam administration will alert the examiners and/or the course coordinator, in addition to the program director to arrange further proceedings.

Other exams

  • Inspera enables all other examinations to be controlled automatically for plagiarism.
  • Members of the academic staff can individually make an assessment whether or not individual assignments give rise to suspicion of plagiarism, and subsequently alert the exam administration to receive assistance and advice about the further process. OBS: Contact the exam administration well in advance of the exam if you wish to make sure that all exam assignments in your course is controlled.

Requirements (arbeidskrav)

  • With regard to requirements (arbeidskrav), Urkund is primarily used as a teaching tool.
  • If you suspect plagiarism, contact the exam administration.

See also «Fusk og plagiat» (currently not in English version). If you need further assistance, contact your local exam administration.

Published Oct. 8, 2018 9:50 AM - Last modified Nov. 16, 2018 1:44 PM