Digital exams with hand drawing

Starting from the spring semester of 2018, we will offer a hybrid solution in the form of digital exams with the possibility of drawing by hand. This solution will initially be available for exams in courses with needs that the digital tool is still too limited to cover (click here to learn more about the possibilities currently available in Inspera Assessment for e.g. drawing and formula calculations). Please contact the exam administration at your campus if you are responsible for a course and wish to use this solution for the exam. 

After the students have submitted their hand drawings on special sheets during the exam, the drawings will be scanned by the exam administration and integrated into the digital exam. The University of Agder (UiA) has prepared a short and informative video (in Norwegian) that describes how students do this (click on ‘Digital eksamen med håndtegning’ and start the video).

Published Oct. 8, 2018 9:50 AM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2018 9:50 AM