Fourth attempt

What does it take to get a fourth attempt to pass your exam?

According to the Regulations governing examinations, admission to study and degrees at Østfold University College § 6-3 (1) the general rule is that a student cannot sit an examination in the same course more than three times. However, § 6-3 (5) opens for a fourth attempt to be granted.


The Regulations governing examinations, admission to study and degrees at Østfold University College § 6-3 (5) says:

“In special cases, an exemption may be granted for a fourth examination attempt on the basis of a written, well grounded and documented application.”


Points to consider:

  • How far the student has progressed in their education.
  • How the first three attempts have been used (not present/failed).
  • Whether the study programme is being phased out
  • Lack of guidance from Østfold University College
  • Undiscovered need for adjustment
  • Optional or compulsory course
  • Possibility to study the same course at another institution
  • Program student or individual course student

The intention is not to provide a complete or exhaustive listing of circumstances that may prompt the right to a fourth examination attempt.

The regulation is deliberately worded so that discretion must be exercised “in special cases”.

Although there is an element of judgement of the individual case, it is important that applications are assessed within certain common frameworks to ensure uniform practice at Østfold University College.

The provision is intended to be a narrow exception, and should function as a safety valve where the three times rule would otherwise have an unreasonable effect.

Published Sep. 6, 2022 1:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2022 11:30 AM