External examiner

According to the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges, section 3-9(1), an external evaluation of the assessment is required.

It follows from Østfold University College’s Regulations governing examinations, admissions to study and degrees § 7-1 (6) that in at least one course per year level in all studies and study programmes, an external examiner must be involved in the assessment of student works. Furthermore, an external examiner  is required for the assessment of students’ independent works at higher degree studies, cf. Act relating to Universities and University Colleges.


It is the University College’s board that appoints an examiner for examinations, tests, assessment of assignments or other assessments when the results are entered on the diploma or included in the grade given for the course of study, cf. Act relating to Universities and University Colleges, section 3-9(2).

According to the Regulations governing examinations, admissions to study and degrees § 7-1 (9),  external examiners must be able to document that they have the necessary academic qualifications in the course to be graded, and must have at least one of the following qualifications:

a. Employment at assistant or associate professor level or a higher level at a university, university college or other research institution

b. Otherwise documented academic expertise at the same level

c. Be particularly qualified in the subject in question through professional experience.

 An external examiner cannot be employed in a principal or secondary position in the faculty that teaches the course or that is responsible for the programme of study that the course forms part of. Nor can an external examiner have worked as a part-time teacher for the year group in question.

The course description must state under “Examiners” whether  two internal examiners or one internal and one external examiner shall be used.

Appointment of examiners

  • Examiners must be appointed well in advance of the examination.
  • Examiners are normally appointed for both ordinary and resit exams.
  • If there is external assessment of an ordinary exam, there must also be external assessment of the resit exam.
  • Examiners for appeals regarding grades, according to section 5-3 in the Universities and University College’s Act, should be appointed at the same time as the appointment of examiners for ordinary exams.


The principle of anonymity shall apply to asessment of all written exams/assignments and otherwise where it is feasible.

In the case of written exams, the examiner's name is normally announced only after the results have been made known.

The examiner is subject to a duty of secrecy according to section 13 of the Public Administration Act.


Contact the Section for Examinations:            

Campus Halden: eksamen-halden@hiof.no

Campus Fredrikstad: eksamen-fred@hiof.no


Read more here: Work support website about exams

Published Sep. 6, 2022 1:01 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2022 11:22 AM