
On these pages, you will find answers to most questions about exams for you as an academic staff.

Deadlines before and after exams

Important deadlines for academic staff regarding examinations.

Laws and regulations

Coursework requirements

General information and deadlines regarding course requirements (compulsory activities).

Course requirements in Fagpersonweb

Information and guidance for academic staff on how to register course requirements in Fagpersonweb.

Inspera Assessment

Information and user guides (with links) for academic staff regarding  Inspera - Østfold University College’ digital exam tool.

Workshop in Inspera Assessment

Digital workshop in Inspera Assessment - how to create task sets

Dates spring 2023:

13. april, time: 09:00-11.00

18. april, time: 12:00-14:00

To sign up, please send an email to eksamen-fred@hiof.no or eksamen-halden@hiof.no

External examiner

Information about external examiners and external assessment at Østfold University College.

Grading in Fagpersonweb

Plagiarism control


Explanations in Inspera

Explanations in Fagpersonweb


Information and guidance on how appeals are processed in Inspera.

Fourth attempt

Information on what is required for a student to be granted a fourth examination attempt.

Grade statistics