Information for employees in connection with coronavirus (COVID-19)

From 16 August, the distance requirement during teaching ends. Students have been informed that the 1-meter rule does not apply in all possible teaching situations. For employees, the 1-meter rule still applies on a daily basis. National measures apply to access to the university college's building and to the implementation of events.

You should NOT be on campus if you are ill or suspect infection. Even with the slightest cold, stay home and get tested. To ensure the best possible infection tracking, we ask everyone to download the infection tracking app -"Smittestopp". This is the best way to ensure that we can keep the teaching going, and get notified of infection.

Remember that we offer quick tests on campus. Test yourself often - even if you are fully vaccinated and feel well. You can be a carrier of the virus even if you do not notice it, and then you infect others without knowing it.

Continue to be careful with hand hygiene. You will find it over large parts of the college's campus. Is something empty? Tell Servicetorget and they will take it further.

The Oslo Office is open

Free rapid test on campus

It is possible to take a free rapid test on campus, both in Halden and Fredrikstad. The testing takes place between 9 – 12 (drop in).

Fredrikstad: in the canteen

Halden: next to the stairs down to the library (in the hall)

The test is a simple front nose test Read this for more information about the test.


Last updated on Mar. 26, 2023 6:38 AM

Office and work environment

We follow the general infection control measures that apply to working life nationally. Now partly home office and / or flexible working hours apply. This means that we should be both a little physical at work (the office), and a little at home. That is, not just at home, or just in the office if there is no need for it.

Those who share an office agree on how they want to solve it, but make sure that infection control rules are followed.

It is important to consider that we all have different concerns in relation to infection, and some are still waiting for a vaccine. Therefore, take care.

Keep a distance of 1 meter when using common areas / dining areas. It's only students who have had the distance requirement removed in the teaching. We encourage everyone to avoid getting close contacts at work unless it is strictly necessary.

In the procedure for employees, the use of kitchens, etc. is described.

You can borrow with the equipment from the office that you need to be able to work at home in a good way. Just like you did in March. When returning the equipment to the office, remember: Procedure for delivery and receipt of equipment that employees have used at home.

Meetings and business trips

We recommend that all meetings continue to be conducted digitally
Physical encounters should be limited. If the meeting must be carried out physically, the 1-meter rule must be observed.
Larger seminars (such as unit / department seminars, etc.) will not be held until after 4 September.

A critical assessment must be made as to whether a business trip is necessary, and travel abroad is not recommended. Travel must always be approved by the manager.

Information about campuses

Both campus are open

All students must write down daily which rooms they have visited on campus and who they have been with. This is to contribute to fast and efficient infection detection.

You should NOT be on campus if you are ill or suspect infection. 

If you are returning to campus, you must read the full procedure for access to the University College’s premises. It contains detailed descriptions of everything you need to know before returning to campus.

Anyone returning to campus must complete an online course on infection prevention and control.

Take the course here

Face masks

There is no general requirement to use a face mask when you are on campus. Servicetorget has Facemasks that the teacher can pick up if this is necessary in connection with, for example, skills training and other things.

Testing stations

See information about testing stations.

If you are returning equipment that you have used at home, read: Procedure for returning and picking up equipment that employees have used at home

See all procedures that have been drawn up in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Contact your immediate supervisor if you have any questions or need more information.


From 16 August, the distance requirement during teaching will end. It was actually supposed to come in step four, but is now happening on the advice of the Norwegian Directorate of Health and FHI.

This means that it will open up for more and more teaching on campus in the future. You as a teacher can therefore already now start planning more teaching on campus, also this autumn. But - no teaching should be changed without this being properly clarified with your nearest institute leader. The deans of the various faculties will inform you how this will happen in the future. A good plan must be made for how the teaching will be carried out in the future at all institutes.

  • Time schedules for your study programme/year group are updated and published.
  • All students must follow the messages given in Canvas and by e-mail regarding their teaching. You will be informed when your teaching starts and how it will take place. The type of teaching each individual cohort should have is different. Therefore, everyone must follow the messages given for their current study program / course.

Throughout the semester, there will be infection control supervisors with yellow vests present at both campuses to give advice in relation to infection control. You can tell them them or Servicetorget if you see something that should be notified.

For hybrid teaching, the subject teacher must use his or her laptop with Zoom to provide teaching to students who are to follow the teaching digitally. All teaching rooms will have a combined speaker and microphone unit that should be used, as well as an external, small USB camera that can be used if desired. At present, the university college cannot facilitate more advanced forms of hybrid teaching.

Teacher responsibility for physical education

  • The subject teacher must remind the students of the infection control rules and remind them to download the "Smittestopp app".
  • In case of suspicion of infection in a teaching situation:
    • the person in question must quickly put on a bandage and leave the classroom. Mouthpieces are picked up at Servicetorget by a subject teacher or other student.
    • The student must then leave the building as soon as possible, or wait for transport in the quiet room. The subject teacher accompanies the patient there if needed.
    • The subject teacher must immediately notify the infection tracing group by e-mail:
    • The infection tracking group assists further, even when the patient has to wait in the quiet room
    • Other students and subject teachers can continue teaching. Quarantine is not necessary until any positive test result is available.
    • Further follow-up is handled by the infection tracking group.

Do you need assistance with digital solutions?

The Learning Support Centre has developed digital teaching resources and training materials, and also arranges daily guidance and experience-sharing sessions and webinars. Read more on the Learning Support Centre’s webpages (in Norwegian)

Many administrative employees are now having to make extensive use of Teams and Zoom to conduct meetings. If you need tips or help getting to grips with new tools, contact your IT support for tips and help.

The coronavirus crisis and relevant health and safety information

Do you need tips, or perhaps someone to talk to? Below is a list of useful contacts.

Tired of sitting still?

Working from home can be quite different from working in your normal office, with less-than-ideal ergonomic conditions. It may be difficult to maintain good sitting posture, and many people experience a dramatic decrease in the amount they move. Many people are missing out on things like walking their children to school or day care, walking from the car park or cycling to work, walking around between meetings and visiting colleagues. Instead many people are now finding that they sit still for large parts of their working day. It is your responsibility to do something about this. Take several breaks during the day. Go for a walk outside and get moving.

Steffen Tangen and Birgitta Husebye have helped many people with good advice on ways to keep active. Click here for great ideas and videos.

Read more about staying active here (Norwegian)

Information about coronavirus (COVID-19)

Østfold University College has an official COVID-19 webpage that is updated on an ongoing basis. This page also has a log, showing what changes have been made to the page. Here you will also find all the advice we have given in connection with travel, etc.