Professional ethical guidelines for supervisors

The ethical guidelines shall remind us that we have a moral obligation in the interpersonal relationships we develop at the Østfold University College.

Through their collaboration, supervisors and students at HiØ shall safeguard values such as respect, responsibility and care.

  1. The supervisor shall be given an opportunity to develop in their role through training and support. The supervisor has an obligation to develop their own competence in this area.

    The supervisor shall act professionally and be aware of their function as a role model.
  2. The supervisor must set aside time for supervision and initiate an open conversation about how to plan and carry out supervision. The cooperation with the student shall be based on care, respect and mutual trust. Good collaborative relationships will contribute to a working and study environment where everyone feels safe.
  3. The supervisor shall avoid behaviour that may seem exclusionary, hurtful or offensive to individuals or groups. They shall take a reflective stance on the students’ ethnicity, life stance, sexual orientation and life situation.
  4. The supervisor shall keep the necessary professional distance to the student in supervision and teaching situations. The supervisor shall not make comments or behave in a manner that can be perceived as offensive or sexually problematic by the students. If an intimate relationship should develop, the supervisory relationship shall be terminated.
  5. The supervisor must be open to students who point out unprofessionalism, improper language or conduct, and change their behaviour accordingly.
  6. The supervisor shall not use their academic knowledge and authority to gain professional or personal advantages. Nor shall the supervisor use the students’ work/results without the student's consent.
  7. The supervisor shall be careful about openly discussing internal relationships among colleagues.
  8. The supervisor shall not receive gifts/fees for the supervision over and beyond what is agreed with HiØ. Receiving gifts or other benefits from students for supervision can have consequences and must therefore be carefully considered. 

    If the supervisor or student finds the supervisory relationship difficult, so that further cooperation is at risk, a third party must be involved
Published May 21, 2019 1:43 PM - Last modified May 21, 2019 1:43 PM