The Three O’s and data sharing

The development of digital technologies is making science and innovation more open, collaborative and global. Today, it is extremely important to understand what it means for science and innovation to be open and accessible to the whole World. These directions for scientific openness have been set as the three strategic priorities of the European Union’s research and innovation policy from 2016.

The three O´s refer to:

«Open Science» refers to the possibilities and implications of digital/web-based technologies in research with the aim of transforming the entire research process to make it more open, replicable and re-usable. Norwegian research council (NFR) has webpages dedicated to what open science means.

«Open Innovation» refers to a specific, strategic opening of innovation processes: knowledge producers, funding bodies and (potential) users work together crossing boundaries of organisations, sectors or disciplines to develop new products and services.

«Open to the World» refers to creating opportunities for research cooperation between Europe and other research areas worldwide.

These strategic directions for science have already affected large scientific support programs in EU/EEA area such as COST and  HORIZON 2020, specifically in the context of data sharing.

Source: Colourbox

Still the main question is: How can data be made available to a broader public of researchers and innovators, in such a way that they can easily be valorised? There is good overview about research data handling on HiØs webpages (in Norwegian) available as good starting point. Additionally, NFR has webpages dedicated to open access to research data (in English) where you can find more on the strategy that can be used for research data sharing.

In additon, all researchers are advised to follow the FAIR Guiding Principles as they are a part of NFRs official policies. FAIR is an acronym for the words findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable, and all of them refer to data!

Av Ivan Dragicevic
Publisert 15. mars 2019 08:05 - Sist endret 10. jan. 2023 10:40
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