How to increase your knowledge in writing and managing projects?

The new year has already entered its second month and for the academic staff at Østfold University College it is time of new funding possibilities. Still, before you apply for external funding it is always recommended to further develop writing and managing skills regarding project proposals. This will help you to increase your chances in getting your project approved.

Norwegian research council (NFR) has published its yearly calendar aimed to increase the necessary knowledge and competences for writing a good project proposal, handling budgets and to generally provide practical help for open and upcoming public calls both in Norway and EU.


Any course usually requires time and funds to attend it, but for the NFR courses you actually only need to set aside some time. All the courses are FREE and in this blog I wish to give you just a short overview of what can be useful for all of you who wish to begin their new adventure – fishing external funding!

Proposal writing based courses

For all of you have tried to apply for HORIZON 2020 open calls or have been a partner in one of the earlier projects there is a two-day course that can help you increase your knowledge and connect with other academic staff experiencing similar problems.

If you are just beginning and have not yet participated in the courses related to the HORIZON2020 then the one-day course is great way to start where you will receive the necessary introduction.

Budget based courses

For most of the EU framework programs budget can be a challenging part of an application. If you are struggling to understand all the facts and limitations on how to build a budget for EU project application this course is a right choice for you.

Project management based courses

In many cases you can be good in writing projects and receiving external funding, but how to move the project towards the set goals? If you consider yourself not having enough management experience then the course on the project management and finance can help you get a better control over your project. Important: It does not matter if your project is big or small, same principles apply if you wish to reach your goals.

Source: Colourbox

We at the Research Administration Department will provide our full support in your search for funding and you are free to contact us for help in finding the right call for you.

Av Ivan Dragicevic
Publisert 15. feb. 2019 06:22 - Sist endret 20. des. 2019 10:53
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