IR + Olav Thon = Sant!

IR slutter ikke å imponere – de har fått bevilget 1,5 millioner over 3 år fra «Olav Thon Stiftelsen» til studentaktivt forskningsprosjekt i forbindelse med Hessdalen. HURRA!

Utdrag fra pressemeldingen:
This year, the Olav Thon Foundation will for the second time hand out academic awards and grants for excellent teaching and research in medicine and the natural sciences. The awards and grants are given to high-quality international and national research and to research-based teaching at the university and university college level. New this year is a separate grant in support of Nordic research collaboration in medicine.
In 2016, the foundation will disburse a little more than NOK 44 million. This sum is distributed as follows:

  1.  An international research award in the field of medicine and the natural sciences. The award amounts to NOK 5 million.
  2. A grant to Nordic research collaboration in medicine on the topics of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. A total of three projects are each granted NOK 10 million.
  3. Six national academic awards for excellence in education, each of NOK 500 000.
  4. Grants to teaching-related research to five Norwegian academic communities, each receiving grants from NOK 1.2 million to NOK 1.5 million. Se beskrivelse nedenfor.

Grants to national tuition-related research projects: Student participation in research, by Professor Anna-Lena Kjøniksen (physical chemistry, engineering), Østfold University College. The project extends over three years and is granted a total of NOK 1.5 million. The project aims to engage bachelor’s level students in assessment of a light phenomenon that appears in a few places around the world (including in the Hessdalen valley near Røros). As yet, the phenomenon has not been adequately explained scientifically.

Andre sentrale personer i dette prosjektet er Erling Strand (IT) og Bjørn Gitle Hauge (IR).

Foto: Hessdalen (hentet fra

Av Kjell Ove Kjølaas
Publisert 14. jan. 2016 10:52 - Sist endret 24. sep. 2019 10:39
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