
Next admission for BA in Scenography (August 2025-June 2028) will be early 2025. More information will be published when the deadline approaches.

The admission is by practical auditions (digital).
It is a requirement that the applicant must be 18 years or older in the admission year.

Applicants do not need to speak Norwegian given the course's international profile.

Choose category Norwegian Theatre Academy and then - Bachelor programmes at the Norwegian Theatre Academy.   


Studycode: 224.2011

When to apply

Application portal (Søknadsweb) will open on January 1st.

Application deadline: March 1st

Requirements for admission

The application is to be delivered in English and must contain:

  1. Motivation letter stating why you want to study scenography at the Norwegian Theatre Academy (maximum 1 page in A4 format).
    Filename: motivation+family name
    Format: PDF
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    Filename: cv+family name
    Format: PDF
  3. Portfolio: digital documentation of your own artistic production, including drawings, photos, sculptures, videos and other projects. Direct links to short videos or audio examples can be included in the portfolio.
    Filename: portfolio + family name
    Format: PDF
    Size: One file of maximum 15 MB. Maximum 10 pages in A4 format of artistic documentation. Maximum 10 minutes of video/audio material provided through links.
  4. Artistic response to a photo: transpose the image found here ( into a spatial statement. Examples of artistic responses can be a photo of a building a physical or digital model, photography, short movie or any other artistic format to reply to the task. 
    Filename: response + family name
    Formats: PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG
    Size: One file of maximum 15 MB. Maximum 5 pages in A4 format or 3 minutes of video/audio

Admission process

The admission process will happen in three phases. More detailed information about phase 3 can be found here.

  • Phase 1, Assessment of your application 
    • All applicants who have submitted a complete application with motivation letter, CV, portfolio and artistic response will proceed to phase 2.

  • Phase 2, Artistic assessment of submitted material
    • The assessment of your material will be based on the following criteria:
      - your ability to reflect and process a given task with an open mind
      - your ability to develop a coherent artistic concept

    • Applicants who best satisfy these criteria will proceed to phase 3.

  • Phase 3, Entrance exam
    • The final stage of review will be in the form of digital exams. More information will be sent to the selected candidates. 
    • ​​​

How do you apply

  • Getting started
    • All applicants must register their application in SøknadsWeb.

      The first step in applying to Østfold University College is logging into SøknadsWeb. When you come to the login page, choose your preferred login method.

  • My Profile
    • Applicants must fill out all of the requested information. It is important that you make sure all provided information regarding your personal information is correct.

      When you are satisfied that the information is correctly entered, click on ‘Next’.

  • Choose Admission
    • Select the category Norwegian Theatre Academy and then - Bachelor programmes at the Norwegian Theatre Academy.   from the list and read carefully the information provided. Choose the study you wish to apply for from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.

      Click on ‘Next’ when you are finished.

  • Documentation
    • In order for the Admissions Office to process your application, applicants must upload all required documents in SøknadsWeb. You can upload your documents by clicking on ‘My Documents’ in the menu at the top of the page. This is where you can see what you have uploaded as well as upload new documents. Documents should be uploaded as soon as possible and no later than the documentation submission deadline. Documents sent in the mail or by e-mail will not be considered or returned.
  • Receipt
    • All applicants are sent a receipt via e-mail confirming that the application was received. A receipt can also be viewed in SøknadsWeb under ‘My applications’ in the menu at the top of the page.
  • Communication
    • All correspondence from the Admissions Office regarding applications will be done via e-mail. It is important that you register your correct e-mail address in your application and that you check your spam folder if you have, for example, not received the receipt from your application submission.

      Remember to check your email frequently throughout the application period.

  • Admission Decision
    • Admission decisions are sent out via e-mail and published in SøknadsWeb. If you receive an offer of admission, you must respond in SøknadsWeb to the offer within the deadline noted in your admission offer. Should you not respond within the deadline, the offer will then be given to another applicant.