About the programme

By decomposing, analyzing and re-contextualizing our surroundings, the scenographer frames and unfolds open potentialities where the yet unknown can and the uncontrolled will happen. Scenography aims at non-linear states in between and anticipates future traces.

About the study

Students explore, question and substantiate the intersections of art and society with internationally practicing guest artists. 

The key values informing the education rely on listening with all your senses, collaboration, staying and progressing with failure, acquiring knowledge of material and re-imagining their relations, excavation and play as methods.

The three year BA programmes in both Scenography and Acting work closely together, within their respective fields or as joint classes.

All teaching at NTA is in English.

The bachelor programme in scenography includes subjects as perception and creation of space, composition, light, sound and video design, technical drawing and digital work tools, costume design, exploration and understanding of material and construction, engaging the public space, project planning, theory and history of theatre, architecture and scenography.

You will be trained to work independently on your own scenographic creation which always maintains a dialogue with external factors and on productions staged by directors, choreographers or other performing artists, as well as in connection with curators and professionals within the field of exhibition and the public environment.

The constant practicing of skills and exploration of methods are mainly ensured by artists associated with the University College. Laboratories and productions are usually led by Norwegian and international artists and other relevant experts from an expanded field of theatre, architecture and scenography.

The Production course topics are divided into Directed and Independent Productions. You are developing projects where you take part in a creative collaboration with a director, a curator or other professionals involved. In the independent production you conceive, devise and realize work, within specific frameworks.

Study environment

All programmes at NTA are highly international with students from all over the world.

The teaching consists of classroom-based activities, group teaching, individual teaching, supervision, direction, lectures, discussions and debates, individual study and practical task-solving.

A large amount of workshops take place at distinct places and in specific environments beyond the Academy.

All NTA students are in close contact with teachers, researchers and staff. The small classes enable a close and individual supervision during the programme, deepening the learning process. The continual assessment is an important part of the student's individual education plan.

As a student at NTA you will have access to professional technical equipment (light, sound, video), a 300 m2 Black Box with flybars, a carpenters’ workshop, an advanced metal workshop, a scenography atelier with individual drawing tables, a library of material samples and specifications, computer and CAD work places and different work studios for projects and practice related to the studies.  

The academy’s material library is an important tool for any student to imagine and develop space towards realization, the continuous expansion of the library is part of the curriculum.

Visits to selected exhibitions and performances are mandatory and integrated in the programme.

Published Oct. 21, 2021 2:17 PM - Last modified May 28, 2024 10:20 AM