Career opportunities (2024–2026)

The programme will form the basis for PhD level artistic research, and prepare the student for admission to artistic research fellowships and other relevant artistic doctoral programmes, with a particular competence in bridging dialogues and practices across artistic fields and traditions, expanding the general field of performance.

The programme qualifies candidates to work on a professional international level in the expanded field of performance, both in the creation and leadership of their own art works and as collaborators on others' original pieces, covering practices in the fields of live arts. Graduates will be familiar with the process of applying for funding in Norway, and therefore manage, market and sustain their own independent artistic work in an international context. Graduates are qualified to participate in innovative works that take place in the framework of festivals, private venues, public institutions and other public spaces and arenas.

The term "expanded field" in the arts can be understood in the context of its early use by author Rosalind Krauss in her influential text "Sculpture in the expanded field" October, Vol. 8 (Spring 1979), p.30) This concept of the "expanded field" in her text referred to practices that crossed outside of the limits of traditional sculpture and entered into the realms of architecture and landscape. Over the past three decades, the boundaries between artistic fields have continued to blur, giving rise to common use of the term "expanded field" as a stretching of the concept and limits of, for example, theatre - which includes but is not limited to traditionally identifiable forms of time-based, live art and performance art which are informed by other embodied and spatial art practices, some of which do not have singular terms. Therefore, "expanded field" gives space for the dramaturgical and material strategies of a wider set of practices emerging from choreography, music, composition and visual arts, etc. The benefit and necessity of the term expanded field, aside from its common use and increasing familiarity to experts in the field, is the openness and curiosity which it prioritizes as a frame for the study rather than a narrowing of practices and forms through singular disciplines or industries.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:35:14 AM