Study Plan for Master in Applied Computer Science, part-time (120 ECTS) (2017–2021)

Facts about the program

ECTS Credits:
Study duration:
4 years
Teaching language:
The language of the study programme is English. However, upon agreement with the instructor you may in some cases use Norwegian for your hand-ins and/or exams.

What do you learn?

Degree/title obtained

Master in Applied Computer Science.

Learning outcomes

The candidate has

  • deep knowledge about research and development within the field of applied computer science;

  • advanced knowledge about literature and methods used within the field of applied computer science.

The candidate is able to

  • work independently with a problem statement over a long period of time;

  • analyze a situation, formulate a problem statement, and develop a plan for solving the problem;

  • create models and implement them in a digital environment;

  • make realistic and feasible plans by taking into account possibilities, limitations and use of time;

  • collect and analyse relevant information as well as having a critical attitude towards sources used;

  • present research and results clearly and unambiguous within the field of applied computer science;

  • formulate his/her own and other people's reflections and solutions within the field of applied computer science.

General competence
The candidate

  • has retained and further developed his/her academic curiosity, knowledge, openness and precision as well as the ability to distinguish between knowledge and opinions;

  • is capable of critical reflection on ethical, scientific and philosophical issues within the field of applied computer science;

  • has gained knowledge of scientific literature, methods and theories within the field of applied computer science;

  • can communicate knowledge clearly in writing as well as orally.


A bachelor's degree or an equivalent education of at least 180 ECTS credits,
and in addition or included at least 80 ECTS credits in informatics,
and in addition or included at least 20 ECTS credits in programming

To be admitted, the applicant must have an average grade from the qualifying education of at least C.

Structure and content

The structure and content of the programme

The master programme in applied computer science is a natural extension of the IT faculty's bachelor studies and builds on the research activities of the faculty staff.

Examples of topics within the field of applied computer science are interaction between technology, human and organisation, analysis of big data, use of information technology in production and distribution of media content, mobile applications, human computer interaction and design, development and evaluation of IT systems.

The first semester comprises the following mandatory courses:

- Scientific method and theory (15 ECTS credits)
- Interaction design (15 ECTS credits)

In the second semester the students must select 2 out of 3 electives:

- Machine learning (15 ECTS credits)
- Advanced topics in information systems (15 ECTS credits)
- Modelling cyber-physical systems (15 ECTS credits)

On application students may be permitted to exchange one course in the second semester with a Business project (15 ETCS credits) or a Research project (15 ETCS credits).

In the third semester the students will take the mandatory course Selected Topics (15 ECTS credits), wich is a literature survey relevant to their master's thesis.

In the third and fourth semester the student will do their master's thesis (45 ECTS credits).

In order to qualify for the master's thesis, the student must have passed at least 45 ECTS from the first year of study in addition to the mandatory course "Selected topics".

Equal rights
The Faculty is working for a balanced representation of male and female students in their studies. Hence the Faculty puts effort into recruiting female students and attempts to make the studies relevant and attractive to women.

Organisation and learning methods

Learning partly takes place through seminars and traditional lectures. Additionally it will take other forms:

-    student-led seminars
-    projects

By organising the learning process through seminars and projects the students' independence and participation are brought to the fore. Each student's benefit from this type of organisation will depend on the student's own efforts and interest. The student must show interest in his/her professional development, and must be able to work independently with theory, implementation and knowledge acquisition. The students are offered supervision in all courses of the master programme.

The low number of master students and the close relations with academic staff lend room for considerable flexibility. It also means that the students have good facilities at their disposal and will be able to avail themselves of advanced labs and equipment both in the taught courses and in their work with the master's thesis. An example of labs at their disposal is IFE's (Institute for Energy Technology) labs for Virtual Reality and design of control rooms.

Demands are high concerning independence; master students are expected to take initiatives and approach tutors, and be responsible for their own learning.

Computers and technical equipment are placed at the students' disposal throughout the programme, and students may also use their private IT equipment on the premises. Most courses and assignments are ICT-based, using various IT tools for exchange of information, submission of assignments, tests etc. Østfold University College may demand that the student has a laptop at his/her disposal.

A modern library is at the students' disposal. The library helps the students in developing their information competence, i.e. the ability to search, find, evaluate and use relevant information. In addition to personal service the students are offered library courses on international databases and evaluation of information quality. They are also offered courses in scientific referencing.

Compulsory assignments
Some of the courses have requirements for attendance and/or compulsory assignments, exercises and projects. These assignments have to be completed and approved before taking the final examination. More details regarding assignments are found in the course descriptions.

Academic writing
The students will be trained in academic writing throughout the study programme. This is done by
emphasising content, structure, reliability, and referencing.

Research and development work

The master programme is based on the research activity of the faculty, but is also contributing to our research. 

All courses in the first year is directly related to the research performed at the faculty. This implies that our courses are continually developed and always up to date. 

The master theses are always based on research and development performed at the faculty or at one of our partners. The students become part of the R&D-groups, and the theses have on several occasions led to scientific publications. 


The international aspect is taken care of by the use of international literature and further, that several members of the academic staff have close contacts with foreign institutions and research environments.

Studies abroad
Students may take one semester (or two semesters) of their studies at a university abroad. Both the International Coordinator at the faculty as well as HiØ's International Office help accommodate studies abroad. Detailed information on exchange opportunities at universities abroad can be found on HiØ's international pages.

Courses for international students
The entire master's programme is taught in English and is thus adapted to the need of foreign students.

Programme evaluation

We are in need of feedback from our students, and that you participate in the different evaluations that we arrange. This study programme is regularly evaluated by the students to ensure and develop the quality of the programme:

  • Every year NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) initiates a nationwide survey among all second-year students in every bachelor- and master programme. The results are published at

  • The university college performs evaluation of their study programmes at regular intervals.

  • The Faculty of Computer Sciences performs evaluations of each course by performing mid-term evaluations and end-evaluations.

Continuous feedback

The taught courses include exercises, assignments and projects, completed either individually or in groups. The students are given feedback on all exercises, assignments and projects.


Final assessment takes several forms: written individual examination, portfolio assessment, project assessment, oral examination, or a combination of these.

The grading scale normally used is the A - F scale although some courses may use the assessment "Bestått/Ikke bestått" (Pass/Fail).

More details regarding assessment are found in the course descriptions.

Plagiarism control/ cheating
Bachelor's and Master's theses are subject to electronic plagiarism control, as may also be the case with other courses and required coursework. Exam papers that are partly or entirely identical will not be approved and will be regarded as cheating. For further information please see Exam regulations for Østfold University College.

Reading list

See separate course descriptions.

Course literature is subject to change until 1st of June for autumn courses, and 1st of December for spring courses. 

Work and future studies

The master's programme qualifies for PhD-studies in Norway and abroad. Different admission requirements may apply at different universities.

A master degree from us provides opportunities for leading positions within application development, web development, consulting and project management in leadning IT companies in Norway and abroad. It also qualifies for work in the public sector, for instance in the fields of research and education.

The study plan is approved and revised

The study plan is approved

Dean Beathe Due, 6. April 2015

The study plan is revised

Head of Studies, Christian F Heide, December 19, 2016

The study plan applies to

2017 - 2019

Programme Coordinator

Faculty of Computer Science, Engineering and Economics

Study model

Autumn 2017

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Spring 2018

By application:


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Autumn 2018

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Spring 2019

By application:


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Autumn 2019

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Spring 2020

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Autumn 2020

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Spring 2021

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Last updated from FS (Common Student System) July 18, 2024 2:35:00 AM