Learning outcomes (2024–2028)

Degree/title obtained

Students that complete and pass the programme are awarded the degree Master in Applied Computer Science.

Students that are admitted to the specialisation in Internet of Things (IoT) will also have the right to use the protected title sivilingeniør after graduation.

The additional title sivilingeniør will be stated in the diploma.

Learning outcomes


For all specialisations, the candidate:

  • has thorough knowledge of scientific methods used within the field of applied computer science.
  • is able to apply computer science knowledge and understanding to new and unfamiliar settings.
  • is able to analyse scientific problems within applied computer science and relate this to the history and role of applied computer science in the society.

For the specialisation in artificial intelligence, the candidate:

  • possesses advanced knowledge about literature and methods used within the field of applied computer science, especially within the area of artificial intelligence.
  • has specialized insight and good understanding of the research and development in applied computer science, especially within the area of artificial intelligence.

For the specialisation in cyber security, the candidate:

  • possesses advanced knowledge about literature and methods used within the field of applied computer science, especially within the area of cyber security.
  • has specialized insight and good understanding of the research and development in applied computer science, especially within the area of cyber security.

For the specialisation interaction design, the candidate:

  • possesses advanced knowledge about literature and methods used within the field of applied computer science, especially within the area of interaction design.
  • has specialized insight and good understanding of the research and development in applied computer science, especially within the area of interaction design.

For the specialisation in Internet of Things, the candidate:

  • possesses advanced knowledge about literature and methods used within the field of applied computer science, especially within the area of cyber physical systems and internet of things.
  • has specialized insight and good understanding of the research and development in applied computer science, especially within the area of cyber physical systems and internet of things.


The candidate:

  • is able to collect and analyse relevant information with emphasis on source criticism and use them to structure and develop academic arguments.
  • is able to analyse existing theories, methods and interpretations and independently challenge established knowledge and practice with regards to applied computer science.
  • is, in an independent manner, able to use relevant and suitable methods when carrying out research and development activities.
  • is able to plan and complete an independent and limited research or development project under supervision and in adherence to research ethics.

General competence

The candidate:

  • is able to communicate academic issues, analyses, and conclusions, with specialists in the field and to the public, in writing as well as orally.
  • can present research and results from extensive independent work clearly and unambiguous within the field of applied computer science.
  • is capable of critical reflection on the ethical challenges within the field of applied computer science.
  • is able to utilize gained knowledge and skills to carry out new advanced tasks and projects.
  • has retained and further developed his/her academic curiosity, knowledge, openness and precision, and are able to use this to contribute to innovative thinking and innovation processes.
Last updated from FS (Common Student System) June 30, 2024 2:34:43 AM