Students from EU/EEA countries

EU/EEA nationals are entitled to work, study and live in Norway. Those staying in Norway for more than three months must register. Detailed information about the registration scheme for EU/EEA nationals can be found on the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) website.

How the Registration Scheme Works:

  • You must complete the registration no later than three months after your arrival in Norway

  • You only need to register once

  • You must fall into one of the approved categories (student, employee, etc) for the duration of your stay in Norway

  • When you meet the requirements for registering (see requirements below), the police will issue you a registration certificate


  • You have been admitted to an accredited educational institution
  • You are able to financially support yourself and any family members you bring with you to Norway. This can be documented by writing a personal declaration that you have sufficient funds to support yourself.
  • You have private insurance or a European Health Insurance Card

How to Register:

  • Go to Want to apply on UDI's webside
  • Enter the country where you are a citizen
  • Choose the most relevant box (Residence according to the EU/EEA regulations)
  • Choose the most relevant box on the new page (Student who are Eu/EEA national) and read the information provided and click on "How to register" at the bottom of the page
  • Fill in which municipality you will be living in (Halden or Fredrikstad)
  • Complete and print the application form by logging into the online portal
  • Collect all necessary documentation listed on UDI's website
  • Hand in the application and all documents at Politiets Publikumssenter/Immigration Office in Grålum (Sarpsborg), Rådmann Siras vei 4, 1712 Grålum 
    (International Office can arrange group appointments and will provide information regarding this to incoming students)


Published Sep. 3, 2020 11:03 AM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2020 8:07 AM