Buddy scheme

Østfold University College has a buddy scheme for international students. Our buddies are a contact group for all international students and work to ensure that the transition to our institution goes smoothly. 

Members of the Buddy group meet the international students upon arrival in Halden and Fredrikstad and accompany them to their accommodation. They also organise social events and excursions and generally help introduce the international students to Norwegian students and everyday life.

During the autumn semester the International office organises a trip for exchange students and buddies. The past years this trip has been to Norway's second largest town Bergen. During the spring semester the International office organises a ski trip for all exchange students and buddies. 

Organizationally, everything was perfect at the beginning of the semester! The detailed and easily understandable information given to us by the buddies made it easy to find our way around our new school. Our buddies helped us a lot by responding to every concern we had and helped us to socialize and meet new people.

2019 Erasmus+ student from Germany

The buddy scheme here at Østfold University College was amazing. Indeed, when we are coming to a country, alone in my case, it is really great to be welcomed as we were by the buddies. My buddy is wonderful. I was really surprised how much she was willing to help me feel comfortable and help me not to be too lost in my new daily life. I am grateful and really appreciate the buddy scheme!

2019 Eramsus+ student from France

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Published Sep. 3, 2020 11:01 AM - Last modified Sep. 25, 2020 8:53 AM