Students from non-EU/EEA countries

If you are staying for less than three months, you do not need to apply for a student residence permit. You must still check whether you need a visa to enter Norway. You will find a list of visa-free countries on the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration’s (UDI) website.

If you are studying in Norway for more than three months, you must apply for a study permit. If  you are granted a study permit, you will also be able to work for up to 20 hours a week while you are studying and full-time during holidays.

Applying for a Study Permit

Applying from Norway

Some applicants have the option of handing in the application for a residence permit for a student at a university college or university after they have already entered Norway. To check if this is an option for you, please enter your correct information on the Norwegian Directorate for Immigration (UDI) website. Contact the International Office ( if you are unsure if this option is available to you.

Applying from Abroad

We recommend that you begin the application process as soon as you receive your offer of admission. Most applicants will have to submit their application to a designated Norwegian embassy or consulate. To find out where you must submit your application, please enter your correct information on UDI's website. Contact the International Office ( if you are unsure about where to find the correct embassy or consulate.


  • You must pay the application fee
  • You need a letter of admission to a university college or university
  • You must show that you will be a full-time student
  • You must document that you have enough money to live on, at least NOK  

    128 887 per year

  • You must show that you have a place to live
  • The circumstances in your home country must indicate that it is likely that you can return home at the end of your studies

How to Apply*

  • Go to Want to apply: Study permit
  • Fill in what country you are a citizen of, then select 'Study permit' and answer that you will be studying at 'University college or university'
  • Click on 'How to apply'
  • Select where you wish to apply from (Norway or abroad) and answer follow up questions until you come to the page with information about how to apply
  • Print out the checklist and collect the necessary documents
  • Complete the online application form
  • Hand in the application and documents in person at the designated place as specified by UDI

*The International Office encourages all international students to familiarize themselves with UDI's website and use it as the main source of information during the application process. It is quite easy to use and ensures that students are receiving the most up-to-date and correct information.

Documents you will receive from Østfold University College

  • Admission letter:
    • Master in Applied Computer Science and Master in Green Energy Technology: In your digital application you will receive a PDF-letter named “admission decision”. This is the official documentation of our assessment, and this the document you need for all formal use.
    • All exchange students and students at The Norwegian Theatre Academy: Your admission letter will be sent to your registered email address as soon as you have accepted your offer of admission.
  • Confirmation of sufficient funds:
    • Degree students: all non-EU/EEA students must document that they have sufficient funds to support themselves during their study period. You only need to document funds for one year at a time or for one semester if your stay is shorter. The funds can consist of student loans, grants, own bank funds in a Norwegian bank account or the deposit account of the educational institution, or a combination of the above.  If you make use of Østfold University College’s temporary deposit account, you will receive a statement that confirms the funds deposited. This statement must be submitted with the application.
    • Exchange Students: Please contact the International Office for further information. If you are an exchange student from a partner institution, it might not be necessary to transfer funds to a Norwegian bank account.

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Published Sep. 3, 2020 10:44 AM - Last modified Aug. 22, 2022 1:56 PM