Meet Joachim – student and Buddy

Joachim enjoyed his time an exchange student in Australia. But he felt like there was something missing in the social life for students. The experience made him choose to be a part of the Buddy system at Østfold University College. 

Studenten Joachim som også er Buddy.


When I meet Joachim, he is only weeks away from finishing his final exam. During this year he has also been a part of the Buddy system, which was put in place to ensure that exchange students are taken care of and are active in fun social events together with other students. In Joachim’s group of friends there are several who has been abroad on exchange, some of them became Buddies afterwards. 


Exchange builds friendships


What are your experiences of exchange?

I took one semester in Australia, at the Queensland University of Technology. It was a very nice experience, I really think everyone who can should choose to go on an exchange.


What courses did you take in Australia?

I was so lucky I got to choose quite freely, because I did an exchange after my bachelor’s. My bachelor is in Information Systems, so most courses I chose had something to do with programming.


Did you experience any differences to Norway?

Something I think is nice about Østfold University College is that we have the Buddy system. It was something I missed in Australia. There wasn't much planning for us exchange students. It was very much a do-it-yourself system.


So there were no planned social activities for exchange students?

No, it was somehow difficult to find the others, and there was no arena for meeting as exchange students, other than when we met by chance. That's why I signed up as a Buddy when I got back, because I wanted to be able to offer good meeting places and an active social life for exchange students.


How did you manage in Australia?

It went well. I did well and made quite a few friends. But it was quite scary for me in the start, because I didn’t have an arena where I could meet people and I didn't get any help getting to know the country. But the people I lived with became my friends, a girl from Scotland and one from Austria. Exchange builds friendships that otherwise could not exist because of national borders and distances. We got close when we lived together, and then we moved apart. But we still keep in touch.


« Exchange builds friendships that otherwise could not exist because of national borders and distances. We got close when we lived together, and then we moved apart. But we still keep in touch.»

 Photo: Edgaras Slezas. The exchange students and buddies during a hike to Sauøya, Halden in March 2023.
Photo: Edgaras Slezas. The exchange students and buddies during a hike to Sauøya, Halden in March 2023.

Hiking and waffles


How does the Buddy system work?

The Buddy system works quite well. The University College also organizes activities for exchange students throughout the year. We have been on a trip to a cabin, we've been bowling and we went to the amusement park Tusenfryd. And those activities are quite nice. But in addition, the Buddies also organize social activities. For example, we gather everyone in a group chat, where we talk to each other and share plans and ideas and come up with things.


What sort of activities do the Buddies organize?

This winter we had a few bonfire trips, for example, where we brought marshmallows and sausages and good music, and then we barbecued. Otherwise, we have gone on several mountain hikes, in the immediate area here. Then we write in the chat: It's time on Sunday at 10.00 – let's meet up and we'll go hiking together.


How did you first hear about the Buddy system?

I had a friend who was already a Buddy, and he wondered if more of us wanted to sign up, so I said I would like to. Because I wanted to do something nice for the exchange students since it's a pretty scary period and moving to another country and not knowing anyone and not knowing the culture or language or the country at all. We were a group of 5-6 friends from before. But the buddies usually meet up when the semester starts, and get to know each other.  And then you keep in touch over the chat and plan things together and do things.


« I wanted to do something nice for the exchange students since it's a pretty scary period and moving to another country and not knowing anyone and not knowing the culture or language or the country at all. »


Can you tell us a bit about the cabin trip?

Yes, the cabin trip was very nice and a great initiative because it was quite early in the year, when the exchange students had just arrived. The plan was to give them a day where they would get to know typically Norwegian things like hiking in the forest, going to a cabin, eating waffles with Norwegian sweet goat cheese and grilling sausages over an open fire. So we wanted to give them the Norwegian experience. And it turned out really well and many of the exchange students joined us. I really enjoyed it. The cabin and hiking trail were in Tistedalen, and there are some trolls along the hiking path. So that was quite fun for them, taking pictures with the trolls. Trolls are endeed very Norwegian.


Life after the studies


So you've finished your bachelor's, what’s next?

My bachelor is in Information Systems with specialization in Software Engineering and Business Intelligence. And now I’m starting a new job as a computer engineer in Oslo. I'm  looking forward but I'm also a little nervous about life as an adult.


Congratulations! Did you get the job through your studies?

No, I made contact myself. I applied for the job, and it was a very long interview process that lasted two, almost three months. But there are also good opportunities to build a professional networks with local companies here at Østfold University College. At least in IT, there is. 


Any summer plans? 

I lived with three French exchange students in the student accomodation here in Halden, and we became friends. This summer I am travelling to France to visit them. 


By Annelie Axén
Published June 8, 2023 10:55 AM - Last modified June 27, 2023 12:21 PM