Traditional Christmas Lunch

The fall semester is quickly coming to an end. We hope that it has been an exciting and educational exchange semester for you. It has been a pleasure having you all here!

Some of you will be ending your time with us now. Some of you will be returning. 

To mark the end of a great semester, the International Office invites you to a traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner. There will be great food, a gift from the International Office and an opportunity to get any final documents signed or ask any questions you might have.

We hope you all join us for our annual Christmas Lunch! Please use the sign-up form below to let us know that you are coming and if you have any dietary restrictions. Deadline for signing up is Tuesday, November 21 at 2pm.


Published Nov. 21, 2022 10:21 AM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2023 2:44 PM