Sign up to be a buddy!

Do you want to organize social events and excursions and generally help introduce the international students to Norwegian everyday life? 

Hyttetur med utvekslingsstudenter

Photo: Edgaras Slezas. The exchange students and buddies during a hike to Sauøya, Halden in March 2023.

The purpose of the buddy programme is to assist international students at Østfold University College with integration in the Norwegian student life. Our buddies are in contact with the exchange students over WhatsApp and work to ensure that the transition to our institution goes smoothly. 

« Exchange builds friendships that otherwise could not exist because of national borders and distances. We got close when we lived together, and then we moved apart. But we still keep in touch.»

Joachim, buddy spring 2023.

As a buddy you are invited to participate in all activities organized by the International Office without charge. Autumn 2024 there is a trip to Climbing at the border, to help the exchange students kick-off their time at Østfold University College! Spring 2024 the International Office organised a hiking trip to a cabin and an excursion to the amusement park Tusenfryd. Curious to know more? Read an interview with one of our buddies here!

Published June 14, 2023 1:37 PM - Last modified Apr. 30, 2024 1:40 PM