I'm having a digital oral exam in Zoom

In this extraordinary situation with COVID-19, it is important that you check that your network at home and your computer, headset, camera etc are working. It is also important that you check and test that everything works well before the exam.

The course manager creates the exam room in Zoom, and distributes the link to the students. Check the schedule for the time of your exam and check well in advance that you find the link.

Before the exam

Before the day of the exam you must:

  • have installed Zoom App on your PC/MAC
    (see guidelines for Zoom installation)
  • check that you have a headset with microphone, either USB or bluetooth/wireless
  • check your internet connection-tilknytning, cable or wireless (alt. 3G or 4G)
  • have a working web camera. NB: there must be enough light in the room and on your face
  • find a suitable place and set aside time, even for delays

NB: As a backup solution, you should also install the Zoom app on your mobile before the oral exam.

If you have sufficient mobile network data, it is a good idea to set up the option of connecting to this from your computer as a backup solution. Be aware that this can incur additional costs - depending on your mobile subscription.

It is important that you read the Guidelines for oral exam in Zoom at Østfold University College before the oral exam.

On the day of your exam

We expect that you have tested and familiarized yourself with all the points above in advance of the exam day.

  • As with all exams, you must be able to identify yourself with an approved ID card with photo on request. Have this available at the start of the exam.
  • Bring your mobile phone with you, as important messages during the exam can be sent via SMS or you can be called if you are not logged in and the internet does not work.
  • Make sure that the home network is not unnecessarily charged during the exam.
  • If you lose the network connection during the exam, you may want to switch to mobile networks on your computer. (see advice under Before the exam).
  • If something goes wrong with your computer during the oral exam, you can try switching to the Zoom app on your mobile.
  • When you open the link to Zoom on the day of the exam, you will first come to a waiting room. From there, the sensor will let you into the meeting room when they are ready.

Help and support

Exam Halden: eksamen-halden@hiof.no
Exam Fredrikstad: eksamen-fred@hiof.no
IT support: itvakt@hiof.no (For technical problems)

Published Nov. 23, 2020 1:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2020 1:40 PM